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smitty last won the day on June 15 2019

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About smitty

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  1. Wild Thing was given a very impressive upgrade & complete renovation several years ago, from memory there was a thread on this site. Was it a guy named Adrian? He sold it possibly down south?
  2. Ragged Hedge! nice move. Bringing it down to Auckland?
  3. Those are nice old school boats but maintenance would be likely the same as a keeler, if not more. Simon Minoprio designs some interesting aluminium boats & has just added a Sedan version with cruising comforts. I sold my keeler & will purchase something like this for the same reason as the OP. Search Innovision Boats for their website, definitely different design to current standard, possibly polarising but I like them & they perform.
  4. Wakatere last weekend, couldn't move for old codgers pulling their ok dinghies up from the beach. Definitely no lack in numbers there for an adult dinghy class. Also much more mid week after school sailing happening there for kids than when I was at school. Maybe that club has just got it's act together?
  5. Have Cooksons closed down or just moved elsewhere?
  6. Anyone know what's going on at Cookson Boats yard. Drove past tonight & it was fenced off.
  7. Check out the posts by Booboo from a couple of years ago, he did a nice job on his Marauder.
  8. Nice looking keel & bulb! Was a pretty unusual set up before with the forward angled keel. Will be a mint boat once back in the water.
  9. smitty

    Pogo 36

    DrWatson, you are a man of fine tatste! Will look forward to seeing a Pogo 36 in NZ in future. Such a shame Structures are a small yard & can't produce more boats, there's obviously plenty of demand & I think that once one of their newer designs is seen in NZ some people will start to think about buying these rather than Bene etc.
  10. smitty


    I found that pretty interesting, thanks. Nice to see some fast boats being brought into NZ. Having a browse around it seems some of our newer faster yachts are listed for sail overseas but not in NZ, Rikki & Crusader as examples.
  11. I think this is what you call an "advertorial", although normally that would be disclosed in small print somewhere. I generally flick through each months Boating NZ at the supermarket & will buy it if it has 2 or 3 articles that seem of interest, which works out to maybe 3 copies a year. Their coverage of the last Coastal was even worse. Some discussion of the 52's & Anarchy mainly in a very short article from memory. As the overall monohull winner I got named incorrectly in the last line or two.
  12. SR26 in Westhaven. Currently has perspex type windows with a zillion bolts through. I'm told if done in perspex again it only really needs bolts in the corners due to the performance of the adhesive being very good now. PM me if you are interested. Cheers
  13. I need to replace my main cabin windows & am struggling to find someone to do it. Preferably I'd like the whole job done but I can get replacements made myself & then have them put in by someone who does fiddly marine jobs. Has anyone else replaced windows recently or can make a recommendation? Thanks
  14. Funny, I was down there today as well, the place looks like a dump with all those run down boats so close to the shore line. I'd be pretty unimpressed if that was my local beach to swim at with the kids.
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