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GrahamW last won the day on February 10 2015

GrahamW had the most liked content!

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8 Neutral

About GrahamW

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  1. GrahamW

    Cup app

    Ah...it goes up on the 24th, superb timing
  2. GrahamW

    Cup app

    I just signed up for Fan Pass, it still has the $19.99 option for 7 days
  3. I was sure in the TV footage I saw more than just Dean on the boat, I wonder who they were and what they did, their added weight must have slowed the boat down. A quick Google shows that Barker didn't lose, and neither did Spitall win, Team NZ lost, and Oracle won. Both teams made up of a number of people, both sailing and non sailing. I have no idea how many people are in Team NZ but I'd guess there are a few. I have no idea what their contracts say but I am sure that the aim of each job in the team would be to assist Team NZ win the cup. So, if we use the logic used elsewhere,
  4. While Burling obviously has a lot of talent, going from a small team/crew to one the size of Team NZ and the now 8(?) crew on the new cats is a leap. Coutts did it right by bring Barker up as an understudy before letting him lose at the wheel and then in charge of the team. Just because Burling has a huge amount of talent doesn't automatically mean he will be a good leader, it takes much more than just a great boat driver to win the cup. While Barker was the face of the team partially on the boat he wasn't the only person in the team, Barker didn't lose the cup, the whole team did, both
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