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1 hour ago, Addem said:

I wonder why selling Tom has veneer entered the conversation. None of the issues being discussed exist there. There is heaps of space in oriental Bay and a great waterfront for grandstands. 

Does any one know?

Might have something to do with the Whysellingtom mayor and council..

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Here is the course:
New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Auckland | Season 5 | Event Page | Overview + Live Coverage/Full Recap - Tab Container - Maps - Custom Text Container 1 - Image - Ticketing Map

Maybe some free viewing at Northcote under the harbour bridge, or Stanley Point, or in the Westhaven breakwater carpark.

Ponsonby club is selling tickets for $50.

Maybe bring a raincoat and umbrella as it is looking like rain and nor'easters! 😪


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16 minutes ago, waikiore said:

First race Thursday in case weather problems later, but the harbour master wont allow closure of the harbour ? 

Nor should the Harbour be closed at anytime of the gp. There should be a corridor that harbour uses can use,what about coming back from xmas cruise etcWouldnt be hard to have 100m corridor out from the wharves or shore side 100m lout from a line oss stanley pt to northern bridge pylon for those up under bridge.

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57 minutes ago, waikiore said:

First race Thursday in case weather problems later, but the harbour master wont allow closure of the harbour ? 

What weather problems? Light wind?

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They are practice races Thursday and Friday, I would have thought that there is plenty of room down the Bayswater Stanley point side for a ferry lane ,but can understand them closing the Westhaven entrance on Saturday/ Sunday in the afternoons. 

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The track of that low keeps wobbling back and forth with each update. This morning it didn't look too bad for Akl but doesn't look great at the moment. Here's hoping it drifts a bit further west again...

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It was fairly frisky on monday off Takapuna and apart from some nose ins they all appeared to be handling it, I dont believe they are as precious about the weather as the AC lot.

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