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Horrific Oil leak has the owner in tears (Rislone)

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Sorry for the OTT headline, I have been watching too many You Tube videos  :-)  the real situation is that the Perkins 4108 in our yacht  has the usual 4108 curse of a leaking rear crankcase seal but is otherwise in good nick and utterly reliable. While I appreciate its not a permanent fix I was wondering about using this American Rislone Oil additive until next season when we will probably remove the motor  and future proof it with an overhaul. The reviews are promising but if anyone has experience with it I'd appreciate some feedback.

P.S I'm aware that there are schools of thought on oil additives with some folk being adamant that they are not a good idea, period ! my attitude is that it depends on the product and the context. This stuff has been available for years so I'm assuming the manufacturer would have been litigated to bankruptcy by now if there was any risk of damaging the engine.




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I am firmly in the no camp for fuel system cleaning, de carboning and friction modifying products, but this is something different.... give it a try if you are inclined and tell us the results. Forever the skeptic on such things, I am keen to hear the outcome... maybe this one does do what it says on the can.

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You have nothing to lose, especially as you plan an overhaul sooner rather than later. do your sums though re the overhaul if you aren't doing it yourself, it is often amazing how the combined labour, parts, cleaners, and other incidental charges can get out of hand, and you will still have an engine with many old parts (crank, con rods, pistons? etc. etc.) and as all good English engines do, it will still leak oil, after all no leaks on an english engine means no oil. I am not in favour of the new breed of Diesel's they can be very finiky and easy to go wrong with such tight tolerances, especially tucked away as they usually are on a yacht, something goes outside a particular setting and they shut down or run at a much reduced power, invairably just when it is critical that they keep running at full power. The Older generation Diesels, (Kubota for one)naturally aspirated marinised ones, (Beta, Nanni etc.) are a huge improvement, (no reaky the oir, for a start.)  Amazingly reliable, parts available from tractor suppliers rather than from (much) dearer marine outlets.  There are a lot of carpet baggers in the supplement industry, and they take in a huge amounts of money from people hoping to save money and achieve a cheap fix, buy now!!! and there's more, buy 3 and etc. etc. What could possibly go wrong.

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What's the crankcase pressure like? ie the ventilation usually off the top of the rocker cover. If obstructed this will raise crankcase pressure and bring anything that might leak to the front of the queue. If you can get a slight vacuum by connecting the vent to the induction side even better.

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17 hours ago, Steve Pope said:

You have nothing to lose, especially as you plan an overhaul sooner rather than later. do your sums though re the overhaul if you aren't doing it yourself, it is often amazing how the combined labour, parts, cleaners, and other incidental charges can get out of hand, and you will still have an engine with many old parts (crank, con rods, pistons? etc. etc.) and as all good English engines do, it will still leak oil, after all no leaks on an english engine means no oil. I am not in favour of the new breed of Diesel's they can be very finiky and easy to go wrong with such tight tolerances, especially tucked away as they usually are on a yacht, something goes outside a particular setting and they shut down or run at a much reduced power, invairably just when it is critical that they keep running at full power. The Older generation Diesels, (Kubota for one)naturally aspirated marinised ones, (Beta, Nanni etc.) are a huge improvement, (no reaky the oir, for a start.)  Amazingly reliable, parts available from tractor suppliers rather than from (much) dearer marine outlets.  There are a lot of carpet baggers in the supplement industry, and they take in a huge amounts of money from people hoping to save money and achieve a cheap fix, buy now!!! and there's more, buy 3 and etc. etc. What could possibly go wrong.

I have a 2016 Transit van and can attest to the complexity of modern diesels the engine per see seems fine it is the  emissions control system with its numerous sensors and associated silicone chimps that is seems endlessly finicky. The Volvo saildrive in my carpenter 29 has an engine made in japan by  Shibaura for Perkins and sold as a Volvo ! it has all three companies listed on the data plate . Yes I source Shibaura Tractor parts where possible because Volvo spare parts costs are insane. From a cost/benefit perspective a new Beta 50 Hp would be better value than an overhaul, we will see when the time comes I suppose  :-) "no leaks on an english engine means no oil." LOL, true !

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19 hours ago, LBD said:

I am firmly in the no camp for fuel system cleaning, de carboning and friction modifying products, but this is something different.... give it a try if you are inclined and tell us the results. Forever the skeptic on such things, I am keen to hear the outcome... maybe this one does do what it says on the can.

I will let you know :-) I agree re fuel additives I put them in the same class as the supplements pushed on 1ZB 

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13 hours ago, BNG said:

What's the crankcase pressure like? ie the ventilation usually off the top of the rocker cover. If obstructed this will raise crankcase pressure and bring anything that might leak to the front of the queue. If you can get a slight vacuum by connecting the vent to the induction side even better.

Hmmmmm, good point, I will check that.

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