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Insurance Survey

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I have summarised this thread into this post - you can find links to the survey, links to the live response summary and the link to a spreadsheet of results that will be udated monthly.

Hi all.  Insurance questions are a perennial subject.  The idea of this survey is to provide some data that Crew-ites and those who drop by can use. 

You can find the survey here.

No-one responding will be named or identified.  If you want your information deleted, let me know by private message.

No particular insurance provider will be endorsed or derided in the survey summary.

You can find the survey response summary here - it updates to include all received responses live. 

I will post updates to the entire dataset here each month.  It is an excel format, so you can dive in and filter all the variables to your heart's content.  The data set linked is as at 31/01/2025 and has 63 responses.

The survey may change as improvement or changes are needed, so feel free to update with your info each year.  Because of this, some of the summary numbers don't add eg the vessel type has changed twice already!

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So at last years insurance renewal the insurance company wanted us to obtain an out of water condition report, and rig check. The rig check could supposedly be a visual from the deck but of course ne rigger will put their name to that so we got a proper rig check. We have the report back and it’s mostly all good, however it does contain the following phrase:

“Note that Stainless Steel Wire Rigging conventionally has a maximum design life of 15 years.”

Does the average cruising yachtsman change their standing rigging every 10 - 15 years? I’m hoping that the insurance company doesn’t require it anytime soon - rough estimate is 12k……

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1 hour ago, Vivaldi said:

“Note that Stainless Steel Wire Rigging conventionally has a maximum design life of 15 years.”

Interesting. Based on what?


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I'm sure this has come up before, i.e. rig not covered by insurance beyond a certain age. I can't quite face searching for it right now though.

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2 hours ago, Vivaldi said:

So at last years insurance renewal the insurance company wanted us to obtain an out of water condition report, and rig check. The rig check could supposedly be a visual from the deck but of course ne rigger will put their name to that so we got a proper rig check. We have the report back and it’s mostly all good, however it does contain the following phrase:

“Note that Stainless Steel Wire Rigging conventionally has a maximum design life of 15 years.”

Does the average cruising yachtsman change their standing rigging every 10 - 15 years? I’m hoping that the insurance company doesn’t require it anytime soon - rough estimate is 12k……

Yes and yes - that is normal.


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2 hours ago, Vivaldi said:

So at last years insurance renewal the insurance company wanted us to obtain an out of water condition report, and rig check. The rig check could supposedly be a visual from the deck but of course ne rigger will put their name to that so we got a proper rig check. We have the report back and it’s mostly all good, however it does contain the following phrase:

“Note that Stainless Steel Wire Rigging conventionally has a maximum design life of 15 years.”

Does the average cruising yachtsman change their standing rigging every 10 - 15 years? I’m hoping that the insurance company doesn’t require it anytime soon - rough estimate is 12k……

No rig or sail insurance for us if standing rigging is over 10 years old.

We left it to 17, but changed it before going offshore last winter.

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On 29/01/2025 at 7:36 AM, aardvarkash10 said:

Phew.  That would eliminate about 90% of NZs recreational fleet from cover in one hit...

Thanks for the reminder, I must update the survey data.  It will happen tonight.

Just updated.  63 responses now.

If you have recently insured or reinsured, please complete the survey - even if you have completed with last year's details.  This will help everyone track changes over time.



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