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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/01/25 in Posts

  1. Thanks for that. Francois Vivier designed Morbic 12. I have gone with Carbothane 133LH as a topcoat over Interprotect epoxy primer and the satin finish is a welcome relief from high gloss. Other positives with Carbothane is the recoating time is indefinite and it’s bloody damned hard as😀
    11 points
  2. Hell no! Then everyone would be out there in February and March when the weather is best and I'm out there. Leave as is so our anchorages aren't crowded. *Declaration of Self-Interest*
    8 points
  3. Nervous moments on the router table reducing the Navy Whaler oars by 300mm in length and shaping the new handles. They are nesting nicely now and the new mainsail just arrived all 7.8 sqm of it.
    6 points
  4. Final coat will going on today…
    5 points
  5. They are painting themselves into an ideological corner, fouling is a natural process. It's what happens in the marine environment and is the basis of the ecosystem, us boaties provide free new blank canvasses for this process to occur- so what is the problem? I understand that moving one ecosystem to another and introducing new organisms is problematic but otherwise so what? Are they going to demand piers, jetties, navigation buoys etc be anti fouled- of course not! (Hang on we are dealing with ideologues so who knows knows!) Combine the removal of public cleaning facilities, the shrink
    4 points
  6. This. I wouldn't read too much into very few people going out with a 35 knot forecast.
    4 points
  7. When did we stop sailing for fun. Its all I've done - over 65 years and still going. Entered nationals, coastals, match racing in the Stewarts in the 80's, and heaps of club events. Dinghies, trailer Sailers and keelers. Mostly my own boats. Knocked on the door in lots - never achieved. Probably sailed against Black Panther in Cherokees at Onerahi in the 70's.😊😊 No aspirations of Olympic Grandeur ever - in fact not even on the horizon back then. Have a son at top class level - 2 volvos, numerous Hobarts, World Match Racing Champ, National Keel boat Championships, Sail GP, Blah Blah
    4 points
  8. Ive just given the video and a statement to the police. They told me he did turn up for court, but late and is back in court today
    3 points
  9. Really good video and managed to make the waves look real size on camera.
    3 points
  10. Wow, I will raise a glass to Conrad Coleman tonight to get within 1 mile of j le C at the finish after all that well done.
    3 points
  11. An argument against trailer boats. Gulf harbour ramp around 4.15 today
    3 points
  12. Are any two 930s alike anymore?
    3 points
  13. I have 4 of these virtually new with crotch straps,not as bulky as you think but instant floatation,no wondering if it will work or not.
    3 points
  14. In the service its good idea to blow them up and see that they hold air for at least 12 hours then replace the corroded canister. At service time I would often encourage wives and kids to pull the lanyard so they see what to expect at inflation time Don't forget the small plastic sacrificial safety inserts in the firing mechanisms that protect by providing resistance against accidental inflation. Autos all have a dissolving pill that when exposed to water allows the jackets to deploy these often get compromised when stored in humid environments and should be checked also. T
    3 points
  15. Cant imagine why someone would put a wheel on a D31 , yes tiller is the go
    3 points
  16. Rossi has some advice WhatsApp Video 2025-01-21 at 17.42.57_f3b63612.mp4
    3 points
  17. I loved the 2 events at ChCh, but as an event organiser, how could you go back, knowing that there could be 2 cancelled days due to dolphin sightings? And please don’t reignite the debate about whether the cancellation was good/bad or otherwise, that’s not what my comment is about.
    3 points
  18. A bit of googling shows that the EPA have banned the use of Thiram in Altex ablative, effective from the end of 2023. https://www.epa.govt.nz/hazardous-substances/rules-notices-and-how-to-comply/specific-substance-guidance/antifouling-paints/
    2 points
  19. I have heard that in certain regions where barnacles are a problem that cow drench containing ivermectin has been added to anti foul with great success
    2 points
  20. I was there on Xmas day and witnessed him collide with some Dutch liveaboards. I managed to get video of it. He only missed me by around a meter. I had to gun it to get out of the way, horn blasting the whole time. I felt bloody sorry for the Dutchies, they were sitting on their boat have a glass of bubbles, next thing this prick went straight into them. He then moved across to Palm Beach from what I understand, and I think his tender washed up on Oneroa after he hit the Dutch couple.
    2 points
  21. Loveworkx lady sailing a Grinde I see - same 27 footer that the American girl, Holly, is sailing round world. Initially I thought this might have been Grant / KnotMe roving around the anchorage berating people for still using CQR anchors..... ha ha just jokes Mr CRA 😀 Then I thought it might have been some clipboard wielding Caulerpa govt. agency guy gone bananas.... But, looks like just a random bananas guy gone bananas. Scary though - not sure what I would have done, but I doubt I would have handed my expensive iPhone over to him without a fight, literally....
    2 points
  22. Ac38 seems to be in trouble, challenger of record melting into acrimonious court cases , no venue, no rules yet , unless you are a billionaire trying to offload large amounts -who will be a sponsor of such an event ? or potential team ? Yes I know the hoards from Auckland that went enjoyed the event but that could have been anywhere , and it really has no connection to the yacht racing that most of us regularly engage in.
    2 points
  23. Do you want a certified working device, or are you ok self checking and relying on your own judgement? $120 is two bottles of rum, so choose carefully
    2 points
  24. Tight finish in about 1 hr between colman and le Cam
    2 points
  25. Hi there. For those that might have limited cooking facilities on board… and at the request of Ex Machina…. My teenage son has gone into “business” making gimbal arrangements suitable for a “Jetboil”. The main body is 3d printed, with steel bearing and stainless bolts. Gimbals in both axis. fits into a Railnlazer Starport. (Not included). https://www.trademe.co.nz/sports/camping/cooking-food/single-burner-cookers/auction-5151954085.htm Check out the first customer review below ! att.2P0QOAl_3Gc12UOxPO8e_mYFIDtnGvehSxG5_MuKsK0.mp4
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Is it just me, or does it feel like the traditional yachtie Christmas / January Holidays period has been mostly sh*t sailing weather for the last half decade or more? I am thinking we should all take our sailing holidays from around Waitangi day, but of course if you have kids that's no good as they'll be back at school...
    2 points
  28. I recommend this book for head maintenance ….the woman knows her sh*t 😂 she worked for Raritan who make sewclean and marine heads . Our boat no longer smells like a porta loo at a concert with undertones of diesel . She recommends a product called Noflex digestor to breakdown solids (not crystallised uric acid ) and reduce sulphur dioxide stink in the holding tank . Noflex is basically Oxygen bleach so I’ve been oxygen bleach at a fraction of the price and it works . https://seaworthy.com/book-author/peggie-hall/
    2 points
  29. Rebuilt the fire box on the wood burner. Getting it apart was like one of those Chinese puzzle box’s . The one thing I have learned in retirement is a nice snooze paves the way from confusion to success.
    2 points
  30. From reading the MSDS for sew clean, it's basically ~80% phosphoric acid anyway. So I'd say Shackleton is on the money.
    2 points
  31. The other issue you may come across is delignification where the lignin in the timber has broken down due to electrolysis around metal fastenings. It results in fibrous patches that can be picked apart easily, the solution is to dry it out and soak in epoxy. Regarding traces of oil and epoxy, its not too much of a problem provided the surface is degreased, lots of timber is naturally oily, teak for example and the accepted practice is to wipe the mating surfaces with acetone before gluing. You are not going to get all the engine oil and diesel out but thats not a problem, I have used a
    2 points
  32. Actually that sounds closer. Boats were swapping position but generally someone making a cock up rather than the passing boat being brilliant.
    2 points
  33. Dry it out first, a good dehumidifier 24/7 for a week or two at least will suck all the moisture out. Sound like it wasnt that well sealed in the first place, perhaps with everdure or a similar high solvent product? They are permeable unless there are very heavy coatings but the modern way is to use 100% solids neat epoxy warmed slightly and best applied to warm timber if possible. You need two coats, wet on tacky to cover holidays and pinholes. It's also important to understand the materials involved, epoxy does not soak into flat sawn timber very far at all, perhaps a millimeter or so end gr
    2 points
  34. Maritime NZ srtSnopodeh222gihh52830g23a03hgh41h37g7ufh7mf0hft1t8m46l85l1 · Product Safety Alert: Life Jacket Inflator Recall If you own a Hutchwilco manual inflatable life jacket or another brand with Halkey-Roberts 3F manual inflators, this is for you! A product safety recall has been issued for Halkey-Roberts 3F single-point manual inflators. These inflators are found in several life jacket
    2 points
  35. I did by mistake last weekend. Mrs Aardvark almost fell into the gulf, bar of soap in her hand (sea was calm, no one around so it was shower day). Won't do that again
    2 points
  36. Is there a wooden spoon for worst starter? 😅 Approaching close hauled at the pin gives you no room to bear off and build speed before the gun. It's never going to work, no matter how many times he tries it! 🤔
    2 points
  37. You can’t beat the RNZYS youth program for bang for buck . It has churned out a shed load of pro and semi pro sailors that usually go on to work in the marine industry and race locally or overseas . It lifts everyone’s game and NZ’s standing as a maritime nation par excellence . Kudos too to those that take the Olympic path , that’s some dedication for sure .
    2 points
  38. We are not hearing the whole story here, sails half up-arrest warrants out on both of them....
    2 points
  39. I don't know how many of us would take on the responsibility of helming a large unknown yacht, without at least two crew, especially not knowing the condition of the engine, sails, safety gear, and seaworthiness of the hull. If this had happened close to a harbour, I guess it would have been possible to call the local harbourmaster and get it towed in, but Ahipara is an exposed coast, many miles from anywhere. I am disappointed that the police however, did not at least offer to contact a salvage operator to get it towed to a harbour of owner;s choice.
    2 points
  40. This is a perennial discussion. Whether you like it or not, yachting is a relatively high cost, relatively resource hungry and relatively time consuming sport. It's up there with rowing and snow sports. I can tell you from experience that ski clubs are struggling with the same issues in terms of membership base. The politics of elite snowsports I can't comment on as I have no experience in it. IMO, Sailing is very unlikely to become a high participant sport, so give up on that. Focus on it being a preferred sport option for those with the resources. And don't miss the o
    2 points
  41. And further , at the Tokyo Olympics yachting great Peter Lester criticised YNZ for repeatedly leaving NZ Olympic sailing slots empty. At the time a crew from Indonesia I think were coming dead last in a 49er race he was commenting on. But he supported their national body for sending them ,and said it would provide them experience ,show the pathway for others and provide role models to their nations youth . What would he know ?
    2 points
  42. Centre board case exhausted my teak stock got one piece left just long enough for the all important tiller.
    2 points
  43. Or pull up someone else's anchor.
    1 point
  44. Webb Chiles (famous if you prefer cruising world sailors to racing world sailors - where he is non-famous) uses jetboils on all his voyages for coffee and dehydrating food.
    1 point
  45. Here is a database of calculated polars. I don't know if there are any Ross 930s to be found there but maybe of interest anyway. https://jieter.github.io/orc-data/site/#NED/NED650 /Martin
    1 point
  46. Well, they started last and passed the tail enders.
    1 point
  47. Anyone see any dodgy betting patterns on the kiwis?
    1 point
  48. Mate has a mooring near the bridge,bayswater side,Hmm could go and stay the weekend on it for free,providing we got there by 7.00am? Quickly find new friends who live in Devon park with harbour views?
    1 point
  49. Probably something to do with EU and wider privacy laws. While your old email address may have b een given with implicit consent ("by following this link you accept our marketing sh*t for the rest of your life and possibly into your next life unless you opt out through our byzentine and archane opt out process") that consent now has to be explicit and opt in.
    1 point
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