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Posts posted by SimonB

  1. On 29/03/2023 at 4:05 PM, Chris B Yachts said:

    Simon B  Chris here. Can you tell me is she still up north? I would love to see some photos of her now. It made a huge difference to her sailing when I added the extension.

    Hi Chris B,

    Sorry for the slow reply!

    Yes, Stream Weaver is still up North - in Doves Bay, Kerikeri.

    I will certainly post a few pics. 

  2. On 23/03/2022 at 2:43 PM, waikiore said:

    Chris Brummel Boatbuilder of Warkworth way Built her so may have some measurements.

    Thanks for that, I can't seem to find his details anywhere.

  3. Hi, I've recently purchased a Shoalcraft 10M 'Stream Weaver'. Does anybody have a copy of the design specs or measurements that indicate exactly where the keel box is and therefore where it can/can't be placed on a trailer (with blocks) to haul out for anti-fouling? I'm sure I could swim under the boat and work it out, but I thought I'd try the easy approach first! Thanks Simon

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