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Posts posted by harrytom

  1. Beat me to it. Not declare them, but arrange, in advance, from the EPA, a permit to bring them in. At least according to these particular customs guys.


    Every cruising boat, every ship, every plane arriving into the country should be doing this you think?

    Now if customs is saying provide we have a permit,when is ynz going make us get a permit to carry them or worst still need a permit to purchase?? crazy part of the safety requirements

  2. It appears they can



    Purpose of prohibition:

    New Zealand has strict controls on the importation of explosives.

    Import permits for all explosives, including fireworks, are issued by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and must be presented to Customs. The range of explosives includes items such as:

    • Fireworks.
    • Detonators.
    • Gunpowder.
    • Smokeless powders.
    • TNT.
    • Propellants.
    • Igniters.
    • Safety fuses.
    • Flares.
    • Model rocket engines.
    • Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles, and similar munitions of war that contain an explosive charge.
    • Flares used in Japanese motor vehicles.
  3. Kawau island,good point,last Christmas we walked the copper mine track from mansion house and also the track to school house to see the grave sight.Huge pines cut down and just left,Total waste of resources.The cost is too horrendous to remove v value of the pulp.Did they close the track at Gt Barrier,the kauri dam track  now the dam being destroyed in a storm 2 yr ago?

  4. who took over the building of whiting yachts after pauls death?

    see so many Spencers for sale,was owned by john built by john,last yacht i recall john building and owning was Hey Jude mid 70s

  5. only 1 in 3000 containers get inspected,we are a transit facility approved work place,and from my observations the requirements before opening a container are,Approved staff member(mpj course)a rubbish bin,rubbish bags and a torch.Then you can crack the container open and if any critters appear shut the door and contact mpi,usually a waste of time as the critters have already escaped.

    Remember on planes they use set off the fly sprays but has stopped. bio security staff numbers cut,the reckon they know which containers are dodgy,bet not every used car that arrives is inspected. we are only playing with bio security.to be serious every car container(sea/air)even down to personnel arriving with health issues should be inspected.

  6. bugger number 10 off the market due to additives,was $199. now they tried to sell me vivid for $325 ended up with altex coastal copper based for $175,will have to wait and see how it goes,they still talk about lasting 18 months,just could not bring myself to justify the difference in price from number 10 to vivid.But they did say black seems to last longer than any other colour.

    At least the 1 inch anode is still $24

    Discovered by smearing a small amount of under water grease on paddle wheel no growth in 2 months so what you say about smearing prop shaft instead if antifoul?

  7. Dumb question but needs to be asked.

    Does colour have any effect as far certain mooring areas go?managed to get 24 months using no 10 black but this year used no 10 red and 9 months needs doing again,admittedly tamiki river has been warmer this year.

  8. easy answer there"Wheels" they used the spat from Marlborough to seed the Stuart Island beds,knowing full well that Marlborough has/had the parasite.

    The only way to eradicate the parasite is to destroy all oyster beds by bring ashore,but I guess the parasite will find another host.

    How can any council control Fan worm when imo would travel via currents or ships ballast pumped out off the coast and current would bring ashore eventually

  9. I missed something?

    So after several of us have tried helping Shane, he has spat the dummy?? Or am I not understanding something?


    He started a give a little page and posted a thread for it.2 or 3 of us made a suggestion or 2 on the morals of a give a little page.He used such colourful language telling us where to go with our advice,merely pointed out using such language was not going to help ones cause,next minute deleted.

    As far as i am concerned those give a little pages are for those in need of medical expenses etc where the govt/family just cannot cover costs.


    From his last post,somewhere,sounds like he has  seeked employment to finance his repairs etc.

  10. ww2today.com/2nd-october-1942-troopship-liner-queen-mary-sinks-hms-curacoa

    The two ships collided with each other at 2:12 pm. The massive Queen Mary split Curacoa in two, leaving the cruiser’s halves engulfed in flames. She sank six minutes later with a loss of 338 men – from a total crew of 439. The Queen Mary was under strict orders not to stop for anything and continued on to Scotland, where she was outfitted with a concrete plug and sailed to Boston for more permanent repairs.

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