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Everything posted by Ed

  1. The requirement under cat 3 (reg 19.11) has always been the diagram, as per the example of appendix 5. The full manual is a discretionaly aspect for the inspector and the boat. I would just submit the diagram
  2. Trying to figure why the garmin is C. 50% more than the B&G unit? Is L5 GPS worth the extra? Both are 10hz update and 3deg accuracy on the compass. Context - looking to use as heading sensor and SoG on 8.5 multihull
  3. Burnsco seemed to have ramped their prices up a notch recently, always used to be pretty sharp but a bit more middle of the road now
  4. The Habour Classic is coming round again, Josh Leys will be providing the music at the party on Friday night, and the race itself on Saturday 9th March. Entry fee is now only $30, and that still inlcudes 2 nights berthing in Jellicoe wharf! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepare to set sail as PIC Insurance Brokers extends their support, allowing us to significantly reduce the PIC Harbour Classic fee to only $30! In our unwavering commitment in making th
  5. Z Pier if the tide is right and its just a quick pickup.
  6. You mean this deed? and yes, all publically available BC10061547382.pdf
  7. Ed

    Parnell Poo Pipe

    Squaddy raced last night...
  8. Ed

    Coastal 2023

    The call on staring location is being made at lunchtime today
  9. Ed

    Parnell Poo Pipe

    Using a tennis court as a standard unit of measure feels like a very Parnel thing...
  10. Ed

    Parnell Poo Pipe

    A couple of things I don’t follow. Is the sewerage flowing into harbour continuously because of sink hole? Yes - the line is blocked, so the flow isn't getting to the Orakei pump station which would norrmally push it through the Hobson tunnel and ultimatly to Mangere Or only when stormwater ingress floods sewer system beyond capacity? - This happens due to the legacy combined sewage/stormwater system. This is steadily being seperated, but very expensive to do completly. Case in point the St Marys Bay Tunnel, caputred all the flows that would have traditionally gone out into we
  11. Ed

    Parnell Poo Pipe

    Dont worry, we're on it
  12. From the RAYC annual report... " RAYC has a close association with the Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust ("AMSCT"), a controlled entity of RAYC by virtue that RAYC appoints 4 of the 7 trustees of AMSCT. " and "The Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust ('AMSCT') is a related party as the General Committee members of the Club are also Trustees of AMSCT and the Club appoints the majority of the AMSCT Trustees"
  13. they are just dropshipping / scrapeing from promptparts trademe listings for the one I want
  14. Bit of a long shot, but has anyone got a Solas 3013-087-05 lying around surplus to requirements? Blew the bushing out of the prop yesterday, and promtparts has them on backorder, need something for the SSANZ this weekend! (I've got a backup motor if all else fails, would be good to have this ready to go though)
  15. I've got a plastimo hand bearing compass someone from the uk kindly sent me for christmas, totally useless, card just binds when held horizontal
  16. Decision was reserved on the day, not been published yet as far as I can see
  17. Wait - something useful has come out of climate change and near catastrophic flooding?
  18. Theres boats that orams won't lift due to multis being wierd sizes, i.e. too wide for the smaller travel lift, and not feasiable for the big lift. There is also the wider local auckland boat servcing capacity that has been significantly downgraded in the last year or so with P21 gone, LSB basicaly gone and now the landing closed. I don't mind paying to haul out, I just want to be able to !
  19. A big part of the issue was the local board was responsible for setting the haul out rates, but hadnt updated them for years, hence the yard was very cheap to use, but struggled to cover its costs. Nobody is objecting to a price hike to bring it in line with other commerical operations
  20. We had a fitting on the tiller connecting bar fail, gutted to have had to pull out The Friday party had an awesome atmosphere, with Phil and the band doing great work👍
  21. Ed


    Clutch is an adjective as well as a noun and a verb these days Language evoloution and etymology is very wierd sometimes!
  22. Thats the raw weather balloon data, pressue and temperature will predictable change relates to altitude, hence the angled gridlines to provide a straight line in theory. Red line is temperature and blue line is the dew point
  23. Ed

    What is this?

    Reaching strut, it’s for improving the angle to the spinnaker guy when you are tight reaching with the pole almost on the forestay. You rig it usually somewhere inline with the shrouds/ mast straight out the side of the boat, pushing the guy a bit further outboard and significantly reduceing the load on it
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