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Everything posted by Ed

  1. Ed

    Luna Rossa

    Tell him you are going to do the same to try and shed a few pounds......
  2. Ed


    Pantaenius could be an option for a bigger boat
  3. It was all part of the AC36 resource consent. Admittedly that was one of the fastest consent application processes but was certainly widely consulted and communicated.
  4. The boat designers OCD get the bettor of them in making the boat symmetrical Either that or they just designed one half of the boat and used the mirror command in CAD to save time
  5. And the best autopilot gear money can buy
  6. Ed

    Battery Drills

    22V Hilti - we just don't bother buying anything else for cordless tools on site anymore. They take a ridiculous amount of abuse and keep on going.
  7. Navigation safety bylaws - 2014 https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/bylaws/Documents/navsafetybylawcontrols2014.pdf 54 Duty of person in charge of a vessel under 500 gross tonnage (1) The person in charge of a vessel under 500 gross tonnage must not allow their vessel to impede the navigation of any large vessel if the vessels are in a pilotage area.
  8. Already at 106 entries! Remember you need to have your CAT 3 (minus) inspection done by the 11th of October
  9. A word of caution around qualitative risk scoring systems, like the probability consequence model above. Watch for the high consequence/low probability events as under some scoring systems they are not given much weight due to the low probability. If it does happen, its a catastrophe so its worth giving them due regard. I might be telling people here to suck eggs, apologies if I am but it bears repeating.
  10. A couple of old dinosaurs chatting over a drink at the bar, well, they could pull the “ the world is too pc “ line.. But this was said by the Commodore of the club, while speaking in his capacity as the Commodore. He should know better, and if he doesn’t, he probably shouldn’t be the commodore
  11. Not racing but still a nice sail a the weekend http://youtu.be/fAROoHPwTnY
  12. Insurance renewals are going to be a frightening experience this time around
  13. 50ft schionning cat tipped end over end, saw at least one keeler sunk, fair bit of mooring line chafe damage on some boats, and scores of blown out/missing dodgers/bimini's. Floating dock office is now matchsticks. Worst hit was towards the ends of R -Y piers, very localised though, a strip maybe only 15-20m wide saw significant damage. Definitely a tornado
  14. Ed

    Optimists in Antigua

    Suck my balls, it's that funny it bears reposting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ew06J05pkk&feature=youtu.be&t=57
  15. Ed

    Refund Please

    Don't be so short sighted, that area will continue to benefit Auckland for a long time after the cup, as per the viaduct.
  16. The book "Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction" is pretty comprehensive when it comes to boat building options, plenty of practical advice in there as well. Did I mention it's free? https://www.westsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/GougeonBook-061205-1.pdf
  17. Wow - really? You would intentionally interfere with another boat on the water like that?
  18. They were within 50m and doing more than 5 knots, still breaking the law
  19. PIC have done this for me in the past
  20. I think it depends on how much rum has been consumed...
  21. Awesome to see a fresh face on the scene, does it sit in the sportsboat or small keeler fleet?
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