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Everything posted by khayyam

  1. It's interesting discussion in light of the other active thread about electrical fires. No option is perfectly safe of course!
  2. Presumably this means your insurance cover is not (technically) adequate for marina or haulout requirements?
  3. The recent news was about mains gas connections. The end of bottled gas is a (very) long way off.
  4. 1000w of solar on a cat in a sunny place, sure. You'd have to work pretty hard to get that kind of input on a mono in NZ.
  5. Interesting discussion. Induction hobs use so much juice compared with normal yacht electrics that I never would have dreamed of it. I would think a lot would depend on how much solar you can get, and thus how much charge you have to get off the engine.
  6. IOR design. http://www.farrdesign.com/51.html I'd guess they might be a little tender but haven't actually sailed one so I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will weigh in. Personally I'd look at a 1020 for a cruiser but might be out of budget.
  7. Try Mike, if he's not already one you checked and is booked https://gulfwind.co.nz/
  8. I don't have much of an opinion of the herald either TBH. But regardless of having been sold once or more, that hulk was still a derelict eyesore that needed dealing with.
  9. I'm sure the weather didn't help. Anyone know how many entries didn't show on the day?
  10. I have mixed feelings about the passage races. I see the appeal to get people involved who are mostly cruising the weekend. But they don't have anything like the spectacle of the big harbour races of old.
  11. Yeah we went to north head and I was surprised at the small number of boats coming down from westhaven. Fair number of dinghies off tamaki/etc so I guess maybe the overall numbers were technically ok, but the keelboat fleets were small.
  12. Narrowly, it'll be good to have it gone from izzy. And derelict boats are definitely a (growing) problem, so something will need to change.
  13. Yeah I'm aware. Depends on one's definition of "easily" and "safe". A roll, for example, is uncomfortable but probably safe? In any event, people seemed not to be using that clause.
  14. Saw that in omakiwi last week. Wasn't sure whats going on! Glad they're doing something, given the CAN. There were 50 boats on opunga in 20-30 SE with omakiwi off limits.
  15. Yeah that's what one of the locals said -- happens sometimes when the water is particularly warm.
  16. The kids definitely got them in Te Angamate, and I think also in Otaio and Opunga. (They only come up some hours later and there was so much swimming some times it was hard to tell!). Switch to looser fitting togs possibly helped...
  17. So we've just come back from the bay of islands, which was generally great, but the kids got nailed by something in the water -- dozens if not hundreds of bites/stings/rash. Anyone else had a problem this year? Never been a problem before, BoI or Auckland or anywhere in between.
  18. Good to know. I can imagine that if you run the batteries all the way down, yes, it's going to be hard to get topped up again just from a DC outlet with the motor running. (Unless you motor a lot more than we do!). But if you do 300m to shore and back, and then charge for an hour the next time you motor, that might be enough to get back to where you started.
  19. 18ah @ 12v = 216 wh. In crude terms, something like 200ml petrol equivalent maybe (depends on engine efficiency obviously). So I'd say that if you're only getting 400m of travel on the dink then you're not getting anything like those figures. As guest says, lfp is very different from lead acid in terms of discharge curves so I'd second the guess that they're far from fully charged. Mains charge seems like the best test.
  20. Atmospheric pressure won't change the tidal streams much. 1hpa pressure ~ 1cm tide. So predicted tides are going to be the main thing by far for the streams.
  21. khayyam


  22. khayyam

    RYA and ICC

    The good news is that ICC is not difficult. And indefinitely renewable just for a fee every so often. We did one some years ago to charter in Spain and keep it current for possible future charters overseas. No need in NZ of course.
  23. I was wondering that too. Some of the other no-insurance mooring areas seem much less dangerous to me.
  24. eek Yeah I guess this angle (a touch S of E) is much worse there than the more usual NE?
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