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Young couple keen to sail to Pacific late April/early May


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We'd like to help out on a boat heading to the Pacific islands in late April/ early May, and are interested in cruising for at least a few months. We're both 25, fit and healthy, not much open water experience but keen to learn and don't think we're too prone to seasickness. Manu's a keen surfer and windsurfer, so it would be awesome to sail with other surfers, but not essential. He's a qualified and experienced massage therapist and yoga teacher and is open to doing some work for trade or pay. Monica is also learning to surf, has a masters in international development and is also a trained yoga teacher and experienced child minder. We are both good cooks, easygoing and easy to get along with.


Our plan is to head to the bay of island in late april/early may and ask around if we haven't found anything by then. Any leads, tips or contacts would be very appreciated.

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