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  2. At least the gentleman above got to the Olympics Mr Psyche. Unlike far too many Kiwi sailors who won slots to the Olympics and weren't sent. But no one in this thread has blamed YNZ for a lack of Olympic success. What contributors on this thread are saying YNZ has to be held accountable for the mess it has gotten NZ Olympic sailing into, the conduct revealed in its own internal inquiry ,and that which will revealed in the Sports Integrity Commission inquiry. YNZ must have been totally insensitive, tone deaf and blind to the lessons it should have learned from the damming inquiries i
  3. My favourite image from the last Olympics was of this gold medalTurkish shooter. Obviously very talented, but didn't look like he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars getting there. I think it's a bit unfair to blame the lack of Olympic success solely at the feet of YNZ. So much has changed in New Zealand socially and in the Olympics as far as what's required to get to the top step.
  4. Mate I can only second that. I run into some trouble myself and truly, respect. Even the food was ok🙃
  5. Yesterday
  6. Drop by anytime. And I have nothing but the highest praise for our public health system and everyone who works within it.
  7. Nice pics David! Not good being in hospital...., I am glad you're better. Keep up the good vibes See you out there
  8. Checked with my cuz who you have met, he says the wharf piles are just wet at low tide, so I would expect between 3/4 and full tide you would have sufficient depth. Tide tables do not give heights for Maraetai, Matiatia and Man O War bay both showing a difference of ~2.5m between low and high on current big tides.
  9. I used to drive the Morris minor to school with a Cherokee on a trailer, then disappear at lunchtime.
  10. Can anyone comment on the viability of tying up to pick up at Maraetai to passengers? We draw 1.7m
  11. Late 70s a small group of us at school were constantly getting detention for failing to turn up to Wednesday afternoon sports. A new teacher arrived and took the time to find out why werent attendiung. Next minute it was arranged to met at beach at 1.00pm till 3.00pm to sail our P/,sailing dinghies etc none of us went on to greater things . Typical rugby based high school.
  12. VID-20190104-WA0002.mp4 VID-20210620-WA0004.mp4 VID-20210620-WA0006.mp4 VID-20210620-WA0007.mp4 VID-20210621-WA0018.mp4 VID-20210621-WA0015.mp4 VID-20210621-WA0007.mp4 VID-20210621-WA0006.mp4 VID-20210701-WA0028.mp4 VID-20210701-WA0029.mp4 VID-20210701-WA0019.mp4 VID-20210702-WA0007.mp4 VID-20210702-WA0005.mp4 VID-20210812-WA0008.mp4 VID-20210814-WA0002.mp4
  13. I raced a r/c iom in those regattas. Think it was Frank Reevy from up Whangaparoa way that organized sponsor. Got some plaques here somewhere.
  14. Time flies. During covid we did a lap of the north island, and somewhere else in there I did a 3 month leisurely cruise to the Far North. Most years I'll do one or two deliveries, most recently Gizo-Cairns-Brisbane. Plus I had my first ever health issue which slowed me down for about 18 months. ( all good now). I'll look for some photos.
  15. Much the same could be said of Rowing NZ, Cycling NZ and Canoe Sports NZ. They kept winning medals. But should that have absolved these bodies for all for their subsequently exposed misconduct and failings towards the athletes and the sports they are supposed to serve ? And the Sports Integrity Commission inquiry into YNZ commenced before YNZ's own internal inquiry was complete. Can you join the dots Mr lebleaux ? Some very grave complaints have been laid in front of the Sports Integrity Commission. If proven these complaints could have very serious consequences. I had lunch today with
  16. Holy sh*t! This was now almost 9 years ago! Really need to do another adventure soon. I am getting jittery!
  17. Black Panther, did you know that your boat featured in radio controlled yachting mags/newsletters back in 1994? 1994 Oct Nov Fiji One.pdf June July 1994 Fiji One.pdf
  18. I'm not that excited about it anymore, but I don't get the fixation on Olympics. I think our youth would be better served by a wide ranging, affordable, inclusive program to get kids out on the water.
  19. Have found his website,can I take a photo and send it to get a rough estimate??Handy East Tamaki and has a yard to drop trailer boat off.
  20. Fair enough. I wasn't actually trying to 'fire a shot', but I do see how it may have come across that way. What I was trying to understand was that if I read this thread then I would conclude that YNZ is fundamentally broken, needs a cleanout and a full refresh. Yet 5 minutes on the interweb tells me that NZ has one sailing medals in 10 of the last 11 Olympics, with the gap coming in 2000 - 20 years ago. If I was responsible for that record I would be incredibly proud of it. I understand from the thread that there is a review process underway but surely that process should be with th
  21. Last week
  22. Mr lebleaux, I can assure you , I have never been an Olympic hopeful nor has anyone close to me. Other than the Kawau or Russell boating clubs when I'm away cruising at Christmas I haven't been inside a yacht club since 2017/18. But having had a few yacht clubs forward my cash to YNZ over the years I am entitled to comment on these matters. Firstly I wholly support the selection of all those who sailed for NZ at the Paris Olympics. YNZ needs to get a strong dose of reality and take up every Olympic sailing slot one of our sailors wins. As most other nations do. The facts s
  23. Unfortunately Lloyd from AB Windows has retired now. Good to hear there is someone else skilled in this area.
  24. 2nd vote for Mahamood, great service
  25. The barnacles arrived in Opua in 2016 according to the yard guys and other local boaties. Certainly an eye opener for transplanted Westhaven people like moi. We discovered them in 2017 when waiting for two weeks in the marina to depart. There were late cyclones / named storms in the tropics that year. The slime this year in the BOI is different, you're right. ( above post). It does just wipe off but it is fast to arrive.
  26. Mahamood of All Marine Glazing - highly recommended. Ph 021 154 2017
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