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  1. Yesterday
  2. At least you be able to see the kerb when parking.😉
  3. Neat unit But at only 6 litres an hour I can't see it being much use for the cruising Yachtsman. However it would be a life saver in a grab bag!
  4. Terry B

    Water maker

    Reading Webb Chiles website today and he has a link to a hand water maker developed for third world that's only a few hundred dollars. Worth a look for those interested. https://www.quenchsea.world
  5. Last week
  6. it was enough time for me to run to a bottle shop once when I forgot the rum haha
  7. Limited, it's pretty technical and subject to case law. Not an area of the ACC operations manual I have had to familiarise myself with fortunately.
  8. There's a visitor's berth next to the walking bridge (which is currently permanently open) that's free to use for 2 hours. Not sure how strict they are on that timing. Pretty sure it's first in best dressed, and you just have to ring up VHF 73 to see if it's available
  9. We've used viaduct in the past but last time i called prices had quadrupled
  10. There is some cover for 'self inflicted injuries', no? I couldn't see any lump sum payments, but I got the impression there were weekly payments for dependents?
  11. Viaduct has a visitor's berth you could probably use if you can't find one in Westhaven (not sure if that's close enough to where you need to be of course). Can call their office to check
  12. "New Zealand sailor" My favourite so far
  13. Even AI has the usual bowman issues
  14. I use AI generated images but certainly not for boats. Example - Prompt: sailing yacht with brightly coloured spinnaker Result:
  15. His commercial insurer won't pay as there is no legal ability to insure against compensation liability. However, his business will very likely have increased ACC levies as a result of the very high claims cost following the event.
  16. In this case should Acc pay or Lance's insurance pay compensation for families loss. 5 lives lost through no fault as it was a commercial operation.unlike say a sporting or vehicle accident. No doubt Lance's insurance will pay out for a new vessel as found not to be negligent.Still subject to MNZ possible appeal.
  17. Unfortch, suicide is not deemed accidental under the act, but I get your drift
  18. In saying that, I read that fact on the interweb, and now I am paranoid that fact itself was a product of AI produced content, and I've no idea what to believe anymore...
  19. The US navy does paint anchors of that size that colour on occasion. Some sort of status / show off / award thing for the ship. So I can see how AI got gold anchors into its head.
  20. I never knew until you posted that. And it is something I have given substantial thought to, pay moonbeams for life insurance, having two kids and an Auckland sized mortgage. In all my time investigating life insurance policies and benefits I never found out the cover from ACC for accidental death. And it is something I feel genuinely very warming to know exists. Partner knows a lady (acquaintance) who's husband committed suicide, they either had two under 5's or an under 5 and she was pregnant - absolutely guttingly heartbreaking situation. The exact situation this ACC policy is for
  21. If you need an anchor, AI has you covered
  22. It is a little known thing about ACC. IMO, they should talk more about it.
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