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Found 6 results

  1. Looking for 1 or 2 crew interested in sailing to Fiji. I plan to leave Whangarei around 20 June 2023. Own a 40ft Caliber LRC named Silvermoon. some experience preferred. Main duties will be watch standing. I’m American and will be taking my boat home to Hawaii after some fun (warm) time if Fiji. willing to pay airfare for your return back to New Zealand. If interested I can be reached at 021 229 4488. cheers
  2. Wanted: a person(or a couple) to join our experienced crew for the passage from Auckland to Rarotonga leaving mid May 2018. And another (or the same) person to join us for the 6-10 week loop through the northern Cooks to follow. See https://nzmargarita.wordpress.com/ for more details. Preference given to those with mulithull and offshore experience. Please rely to the address/phone below. Bruce Idoine 021 289 5098 bruce.idoine@gmail.com
  3. One (or two) crew wanted for the passage from Nadi, Fiji to Opua/Auckland onboard Margarita a 13m Farrier Catamaran. You will need to get yourself to Fiji by 30 October 2017. Departure will be 31 October (or as soon after as the weather suits). You can reasonably expect to be in NZ by mid November. Our usual passage time is 7 days. You will be expected to take a full part in running the boat including watch keeping, sail handling and cooking. Preference given to people with sailing and offshore experience. We are in Auckland till 29 August and can meet with you more or less anytime between n
  4. We are off on a family adventure! The plan is to sail from Wellington up to Auckland at the beginning of April and then leave the Bay of Island with the Island Cruising Association on 5th May bound for Tonga (via Minerva Reef if weather permits) Kena is a Ganley Pacemaker (40ft, steel, cutter rigged monohull). The family will join the yacht in Auckland for the trip to BOI, and then fly out to Tonga. We are looking for crew for either or both legs of the journey. Skipper has 10,000+ offshore miles and 30,000+ coastal miles. RYA Yachtmaster. Kena was built to Lloyds A1 stand
  5. Anyone interested in spend some time in the amazing Vanuatu and New Caledonia from the 15th August to the 26th September? (both dates are super flexible) I am Spanish currently living in New Zealand. I sailed all the way from Spain to New Zealand during five years. My wife is working in NZ at the moment and she will come to visit me the 25th September to New Caledonia. My plan is spend some more time in Vanuatu and sail to New Caledonia before this date. Meanwhile I am looking for crew with a bit of sailing experienced that want to spend some time on the tropics and share this amazing
  6. Hi there, We are looking for 1 or 2 crew to race on a Farr 1020 this Saturday in the non-spinnaker division. Be at Westhaven at 12.30 Sat for a 1.25pm race start. Call me on 021 1135879 if you are interested. Michael
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