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Earthling Environs - New Energy Integrator's


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There are some exciting new developments for motor home energy solutions

Energy storage plays an important role for any RV large or small. The storage must provide the desired environment for a desired time frame. Traditionally heavy inductive loads have a long term effect on Lead acid banks. LiFeP04 resolve this problem, it is designed for multiple heavy discharge over 2000 cycles will still allow recharge to 80% Depth Of Discharge Lead Acid would have been replaced at least 4 times in this period. Add to that the 3 times greater mass and you have dumped 12 times the volume of spending batteries into the environment. LiFeP04 is also non toxic and easily disposed of.

A Battery Management System is required to achieve best results.

The use of LiFeP04 suits the concept of bulk charging by accepting high input running dedicated alternator or generator for fast charging becomes practical. Also the energy density (kg/kW) allows greater storage for a given space this takes best advantages of generation time.

This E-bike is completely made up of LiFeP04 and a sophisticated BMS

For more information you can check out earthling.co.nz

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