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vortex last won the day on January 11

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About vortex

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    Seaview Marina, Wellington

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  1. Thanks - for some reason I can't click the title at all - tried on phone and pc, maybe I don't have full rights or something. Feel free to change it for me assuming you have moderator rights.
  2. Sure felt like an explosion when it went - happy to update the title if someone can tell me how though.
  3. They are great stoves, I’d be very upset to have to replace it. I’m sure any replacement wouldn’t be as solid.
  4. Thanks, helpful, will go hunting for some glaziers. I wondered if the thermostat wasn’t working correctly and made it over heat? Bit of excitement while moored in Hītaua Bay at least.
  5. Just back from a week or so in the sounds - you always expect a few things to break, but one we didn’t was the trusty old Mariner Princess stove - oven on 220deg to cook some chips and BOOM the internal glass of the door shattered with a big bang. Fortunately the outer liner is intact or could’ve been quite messy. Question does anyone know where I could find a replacement door for an otherwise perfectly good stove? I know they don’t supply parts officially any more. Or maybe if the door can be re-glazed? thanks
  6. Having done the rounds of any and all boat owners in the lower North/ upper south islands, and running them all down on patience, he’s found this yacht on trade me he’s interested in... any thoughts or comments about this design? Not one I’m familiar with... any suggestions / recommendations appreciated! He’s after a reliable cruiser that’s happy enough motoring as it is sailing across Cook strait. https://www.trademe.co.nz/trade-me-motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/auction-1589320032.htm
  7. Comprehensive answer thanks. The oil I bought in the end was a SAE 90 gear oil (instead of ATF fluid) which I think said it was a diff oil or something. So summarising your suggesting the SAE 90 with a lower HP motor will possibly rob some power from the setup? Makes sense given that the Sd20 seems to be designed to work with much more powerful engines. How much power is going to be robbed by a difference between Sae 75 and 90? On a 25ft yacht I don’t have heaps to spare! Noticeable you think? I had the boat up on the stand yesterday so had to put something back in. Fortunately the main th
  8. Hi all, I'm a bit perplexed - I've got a Yanmar 1gm10c engine with a Yanmar SD20 sail drive unit. The manual for the sail drive states that when paired with a 1gm10c, the SD20 gear oil should be filled with mineral oil 10w30, and when paired with larger 2YM15, 3YM20, 3YM30 engines it should be run on SAE90 ATF type fluid. Theres a sticker on the Saildrive stating it is a 1GM10C SD20 but contradicts the manual and says it should have SAE90 fluid in it. When I check the dipstick it has red ATF type fluid in it, and I haven't noticed any particular issues, other than occasionally mas
  9. Some great advice thanks a lot! Yeah the boats a Tracker so about 26ft give or take. Might need to get myself a copy of the cruising guide!
  10. Awesome will give it a shot then. So suggested route to Queen Charlotte - is it better heading north or south of Cook rock? South is shorter but on the charts looks messier, north is longer but less drama with tides / eddies etc - assuming thats what the swirling symbol means on the charts.
  11. Thanks for the thoughts. Agree re the MCC - hopefully the do a crossing around Labour weekend. What is the coastguard app? I can see one that covers Northern region but nothing for Wellington, at least for iPhone? Are The Brothers generally the windiest section of the crossing? 35kts seems up there with the kids on board as well? The cruising guide you refer to - is this for Marlborough or NZ wide? Where do I get it? So is Ships cove the place to stay? or should I be aiming to head further in for more shelter / facilities?
  12. Hi all, after some advice re crossing the strait to Marlborough from Mana. Have a solid 26ft Keeler thats made plenty of crossings previously, I've been doing some racing and plenty of day sailing out to Mana island etc. and wanting to get across to Marlborough this summer for some cruising fun. Any advice from the seasoned sailors out there around how to pick the weather windows and what kind of conditions I should be looking out for? Whats the deal with tidal flow both going across, and coming into Queen Charlotte sound? Am I correct in thinking you want to be entering Queen Charlotte So
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