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El Toro

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Posts posted by El Toro

  1. I was unable to attend but am told that in the second meeting the chair was difficult in regards to letting the pro Landing people attending from speaking or making their points and the vote was held 5-2 to close the Landing.

    It was explained to me as a 'railroading'


    Its now a done deal

  2. Swirly World lost a skeg or part of one and started taking on water, he started heading north from wherever he was and managed to locate a ship. He was rescued and Swirly World sank.


    As Booboo said, it may have been rudder damage, but he was taking on water and only had manual bilge pumps, plus manual water maker pumps... life would have got quite tiring quite quickly.


    That's my understanding

    • Like 3
  3. On 19/07/2022 at 3:09 PM, zug said:

    Is there any write-up about the delivery?  I'm interested in what range they have, and if they ran generators to get here.

    Try POAL website, might be something about it there, maybe

  4. 2 hours ago, Clipper said:

    Driven a car lately? They are Licensed and registered.

    Still bloody idiots everywhere.

    And crashes

    I swear today was 'Tailgate Every Car Day.'

    The back motorway was awash with it this morning. Thought I better join in at one stage as I clearly stuck out like dogs balls.


    Cant wait for me trip home

  5. Even though we had a start to forget on Clockwork, we to were bit surprised that so many were that far over and nothing was done.

    Tricky start with so many boats on such a small line, with the wharf locking out the favoured side on an outgiong tide

    • Upvote 1
  6. I saw the Berserk in Port Fitzroy, it looked in poor condition and had what Im sure were motorbikes strapped to the bow, not quad bikes. But I must have been wrong.

    I thought at the time it didnt look like it was capable of getting back to Auckland much less Antarctica, which at the time I didnt know they were going to attempt.

    I remember it being very low to the water and clearly looked overloaded and generally in a poor seaworthy state

  7. I was planning on sailing from Waiheke direct to Tryphena, overnighting them picking up some people from the ferry the next day. 

    Im short crewed so cant leave the boat, so if I cant anchor Im now goosed.

    Its just simply more stupidly from people in windowless rooms down in Palmerston North.

    Ive been told by a barrier stalwart that the weed has been there for years, 10 at least.

    • Upvote 1
  8. So at what stage do we let it spread, lock up the old and overweight people, accept it as the flu, and move on?


    I am forever frustrated that we are still going for elimination when the boat sailed the minute it jumped China and landed in Italy

  9. I got Marine Electrics to do the install


    The hot water is Water Heater. Sigmar. 40L 1200W 220V. Quick and its under the after berth, which is right next to the engine...the diesel heater is in the engine bay.

    Its a Eberspacher, D5WSC Marine Kit, 5.0kw, 801 Controller, 12v


    BK will need to explain the heating has he has piped his, I havent bothered as yet as Im generous enough to let my kids play winter sport, so no winter cruising

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Island Time said:

    Cat 1 regs say that your gas install must comply with current regs. If your gas system complied at the time of installation then it is fine. The Gas regulations are NOT RETROSPECTIVE. There is no requirement to update to todays standards in the current regs, unless you are installing new systems.

    Matt, I found that when I was having issues with my califont, which was old, that noone would work on it as it didnt comply with current regs. So yes you can pass with what you have, but you cant fix it if it breaks

  11. Adrian, I looked at what you are thinking as my califont system was also deemed illegal, (which is ridiculous), in the end I went for a diesel heater and a hot water cylinder.


    I went down this path for several reasons:


    1. Gives me the option of heating the boat in the future

    2. Dont need to run the engines, which is summer I never do unless moving

    3. Run it once, sometimes twice a day for about 15 minutes and have hot water all the time.

    4. Alot quieter than running engines

    5. Bad Kitty told me to


    I also overkilled it by allowing the hot water cylinder to be heated by main power... in hindsight there was no need as you just need t turn on the diesel heater when you get on the boat and before you have loaded on the food and ice, you have hot water anyway, so dont recommend doing this... I didnt think it through properly.


    Happy to show it to you if you want

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