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Posts posted by Leftred

  1. The fact that executive level management have managed to convince society that in "order to get the best you have to pay top dollar" while they laugh all the way to the bank with millions in salaries, bonuses, stock options, golden parachutes, etc, despite their companies doing terribly is one of the great cons of the modern era.

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  2. 1 hour ago, CarpeDiem said:

    What about adding the option

    • win in NZ, with a set of rules that allows us to play within our budget, which would result in less spectacular boats

    We write the rules right? We have $XM?  Make a rule which limits team spending to $XM?   Didn't we just develop some 8m foilers for the youth Americas Cup.  Bet this program wouldn't cost $100M.

    Not saying it's the right answer but surely it must have been considered?  Or am I over simplifying it? 

    The meme where the guy puts a stick through their own bike wheel comes to mind...

  3. Just as a comment on pre-heat, my Volvo engine doesn't have preheat/glow plugs, but does have a starting procedure involving pulling and releasing the fuel cut-off handle prior to cranking to engage an extra starting fuel switch. It's difficult to start without that, first pop otherwise. Point being, start procedures for different engines may not being obvious, but are important!

    I've found Nigel Calder's book good for thinking about things in a logical way, starting with "Engine Won't Crank" and what to run through, then "Engine Won't Start" and what to run through.

    Sitting in the middle of the harbour with an engine that wouldn't crank I was glad to have a logical flow in my mind to run through.

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  4. Seeing if anyone has a Furlex Type B Mk1 halyard slide/swivel lying around they'd want to sell. Mine can probably have new bearings fitted, but the sleeve appears to also be worn, causing the slide to bind on the foil when hoisting.

    Boat is currently out of action unless I've got some crew because both hoisting and furling had become nearly impossible.


    If parts aren't around I might have to pull off the whole furler and buy some 2nd hand hanked on sails when my partner isn't looking...


    Furler slide.jpg

  5. 13 minutes ago, Fogg said:

    Yes it would have been spectacular to see some J-boats in action. Maybe we still will. This might be a tactic of brinkmanship by ETNZ / Dalton to 'scare' some form of local syndicate of corporates / philanthropists / lotto winners to top up the Govt offer to try to keep it here. I think that's an outside chance but still a chance. Dalton said as much.

    But there's no such thing as an 'implied contract' in this game. This is high-stakes big-boys & girls stuff not gentlemen's agreements to 'do the right thing'. The Govt would (or should) have know that their previous donation was never a guarantee of a follow-on event in Auckland - unless they made that a stated condition last time around - which they obviously didn't. So they can't complain that market forces are in play again this time.

    Yeah exactly, the money is all that matters unfortunately, I'm just grumpy. The government didn't get their return on this cup due to Covid cutting off all the big $ coming into Auckland, which isn't ETNZ's problem, but ignoring that probably guarantees that the public pipeline is closed for a long time to come.

    Although people have short memories so maybe the risk is worth it for them.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Sabre said:

    I wonder how much tax payers money they would have got had they told us they would take the cup offshore if they won?

    Indeed. I know it's a business and that there are no friends only cash etc, but I'd be fuming if I was the Labour Government. Considering the flak they took for the border exemptions and the cash pumped into the campaign, I'd have thought that there was almost an implied contract that a non-COVID Am Cup defence in Auckland would help pay back some of the promised economic benefit.

    Plus I want to see that J boat regatta that was planned for this year's cup.

  7. My boat came with the old transducer not working (sold as "it's all good! just needs to be calibrated" which I suspect they knew wasn't true). Someone had glassed over the top of it inside the hull too, so replacement would have been a bit of work.

    I bought at Garmin Striker 4 and mounted the transom transducer inside my hull, screwed into a frame, and sitting on a bed of silicone. Shoots through 1 inch of kauri without trouble. Tested it first sitting on a plastic bag of water. The display unit is customised to just show depth and GPS speed so it's nice and big and easy to read. A pretty reasonable $300 workaround.

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  8. I think the main issue is that many organisations don't have unified idea of what "boating" is. To some boating is power boating, but of course legally any craft is a boat/ship.

    Sport NZ have said for a while that paddlecraft are allowed: https://sportnz.org.nz/assets/Uploads/Play-Active-Recreation-and-Sport-at-Alert-Levels-4-4.pdf

    Maritime say the same thing: https://maritimenz.govt.nz/recreational/default.asp

    When there's a 1000 activities, businesses, and functions being considered, it seems likely exact wording and such isn't always going to be right straight away. Especially if cabinet/Police/MBIE/whoever go to the wrong people for advice...

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