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About jorxster

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  1. What's stopping one from changing registration while overseas, to NZ (before reentry)?
  2. Yeah import duties and taxes are paid. The current owner entered NZ from Fiji in 2021 and qualified because he was an NZ citizen (like myself, dual NZ/Canadian) though his wife, a German national, was not permitted to (and had to fly) So despite being German registered, it was able to pass through our current Maritime borders
  3. My apologies if this hasn't been asked before-- the search function didn't seem to yield anything. I'm looking at buying a yacht which is registered overseas (Germany), and has already had import taxes, duties, paid. AS far as I can see, there's little point in registering it in NZ, as I would be subject to cat 1 requirements should I decide to take it overseas, whereas an overseas registered boat wouldn't be? are there any downsides to not registering the boat in NZ? Being "entitled to Protection of the Commonwealth/British" doesn't mean much to me, or surely I could get the sa
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