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adba-training last won the day on January 28 2015

adba-training had the most liked content!

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1 Neutral

About adba-training

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  • Birthday 17/03/1969

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  • Interests
    Dragon boating, fishing and sailing

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  1. We are looking for a reliable support boat driver to start URGENTLY till 11th March 2021, to: ~ Pick up 5m inflatable RIB from Westhaven Marina, tow to Sylvian Park, launch and be at Killarney Park no later than first team training (generally 4pm) ~ Watch over our dragon boat teams. ~ Tow in the unlikely event they capsize. ~ Identify and communicate hazards to the Steerer. ~ Report any equipment repair requirements. ~ Retrieve boat, return to Westhaven Marina. ~ Flush motor, rinse boat. ~ Secure boat and any equipment. Other than that it's s
  2. We are looking for a reliable support boat driver to start URGENTLY to: ~ Man our 5m inflatable RIB and keep a watch on our dragon boat teams as they train each night. ~ Tow in the unlikely event they capsize. ~ Identify and communicate hazards to the Steerer. ~ Report any equipment repair requirements ~ Daily motor flush. Other than that it's sitting and enjoying the water and sometimes take a coach on board to do a bit of filming. Teams that train are: ~Secondary schools ~Breast cancer survivors ~Mixed teams ~Women's teams All water lovers and are very social. Saf
  3. We are looking for someone experienced with small water craft to take on the role of Support Boat Driver for Auckland Dragon Boating Association. We are looking for someone reliable, who would be able to provide support and supervision Monday - Thursday from 5:30pm-8:30pm and on Sundays from 8:30am-11:30am. The role is based on Aucklands' North Shore, starting February 11th. Please contact Andrew, 027 256 9064
  4. We are looking for a reliable support boat driver to: ~ Man our 5m inflatable RIB and keep a watch on our dragon boat teams as they train each night. ~ Tow in the unlikely event they capsize. ~ Identify and communicate hazards to the Steerer. ~ Launch and pull in the RIB ~ Report any equipment repair requirements ~ Daily motor flush. Other than that it's sitting and enjoying the water and sometimes take a coach on board to do a bit of filming. Teams that train are: ~Secondary schools ~Breast cancer survivors ~Mixed teams ~Women's teams All water l
  5. We are looking for a reliable paid volunteer to be support boat driver to: ~ Man our 5m inflatable ribs and keep a watch on our dragon boat teams as they train each night. ~ Assist in the unlikely event they capsize. ~ Remind them of the Rules of the Road at Seat (all have had formal training). ~ Identify and communicate hazards to the Steerer. ~ Setup and pack down ~ Keep training gear in orderly fashion ~ Report any equipment repair requirements ~ Daily motor flush. Other than that it's sitting and enjoying the water and sometimes take a coach on board to do a bit o
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