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R.B. last won the day on February 22 2023

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  1. To answer questions from guest, no we did not anchor in Kaiarara bay. We have for a few years. We anchored there many years ago in our old boat and got gusts of over 55. Causing damage to our wind turbine and solar panels. We went into the bay on the Saturday morning , the little bay on the right after the mussel farm., when the wind started to get up. But decided it would be too dangerous to anchor there as it would funnel down valley. We when into the third bay along from two island bay. In shallow water. With no fetch it didn’t cause any extra stress on anchor and chain. Was only nerve wr
  2. We were sheltering from the cyclone at Barrier. Arriving there on the Friday. We have sheltered from a couple of cyclones and storms at barrier over the years. We have learnt not anchor in Kaiarara Bay ( we were saw triple 8 on the Saturday morn) or kiwiriki bay. These bays as well as very strong gusts funnelling down the valleys, also can have a lot of water flow potentially carrying fallen trees etc. Think back to the damage of the June 13 storm that destroyed the Kauri dam and flooded Barrier. All the logs in Forrestry Bay and Kiwiriki Bay you still see today are from that storm. The rain a
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