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Posts posted by Zoe

  1. Entries are open! Get in there.


    We are working with Top Yacht this year on the entry system. This is a great system that is tried and true thanks to other yacht clubs. If you have used TopYacht before, your details will already be in there and you'll just need to update them. Unfortunately, we weren't able to carry over details from our old system. Please feel free to send us any feedback or questions and your help is appreciated if you do spot any kinks. 


    PS Thanks Matt for spotting my blooper in the newsletter. 

  2. Jolly good Island Time! Would be great to see you on the startline.


    A reminder that the free seminar is on at 7pm this Thursday at the Zhik store in Victoria Park Market. Confirmed speakers are Simon Hull, Angus Willison (Yachting NZ), and Alexis Reeves (RigPro)


    It's a great chance to get questions answered and top tips from the experts - whether you are a first timer or not.


    Please do encourage anyone 'thinking' about having a go this year to be there as these guys have a lot of great advice to share. 

  3. In case you didn't get the email or spot it on Facebook, we've launched the Coastal for 2016, and one of the big changes is a new division for solo entrants. 


    Entries aren't quite open, but they will be soon.In the meantime, we've also set up a free race seminar that's taking place next Thursday evening 4 August at the new Zhik store in Victoria Park. Although on one hand it seems a long way until 21 October, it's only 90 days and it's important to have plenty of time to get everything lined up.


    Check it all out at www.coastalclassic.co.nz and make sure that you sign up for the newsletter. 




    PS I'm enjoying being back after a couple of years doing other things! Not quite actually on the water yet but writing about other people being on the water is close enough for now :-)

  4. Help Coastguard Northern Region understand why boaties choose not to become members, by taking part in a short focus group or phone call this Thursday 21 July.
    If you own a yacht, launch or trailer boat, you're NOT a Coastguard member, and you're happy to take part in a short focus group in Auckland or a phone call, we're interested in hearing your opinions – plus there’s complimentary craft beer tasting for all participants!
    Location: Marine Rescue Centre, Mechanics Bay, Auckland – or phone call
    Date/Time: Thursday 21 July, 6pm-7pm
    Interested? Message us with your contact details or contact Zoe at zoe.hawkins@coastguard.org.nz, and we'll be in touch!

    Coastguard Northern Region Maritime School. Leading provider of recreational boating education. VHF Operator, Day Skipper, Boatmaster, RYA Practical courses and more. www.coastguard.org.nz Ph 303 4303

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