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Zoe last won the day on May 5 2023

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  1. There is a huge focus on international shipping - NZ has led the way on this so much so that other countries have followed suit. But there is also a focus on domestic boats because while the international boats might bring them here, it's the domestic boats that carry them around. https://www.marinepests.nz/our-defence-system It's outside my sphere of knowledge but Biosecurity NZ produce an interesting newsletter about this work that you might be interested in:
  2. I'll see what I can find out about Selektope and if the EPA representative can address it (either generally or specifically) during the webinar. I know from speaking with some of the antifoul coating companies (not that one) that they are working to get new products to market in NZ and that we have high environmental thresholds they have to meet.
  3. My personal opinion? The reasons are economic and environmental. We don't go around scattering gorse seeds into beautiful places (or productive farms) that don't have gorse. Likewise we don't want to infect somewhere like the Poor Knights with fan worm (or any other pest) either unintentionally or intentionally. Most boat owners get that and are onboard with it. And so far the councils and MPI are actually doing a pretty good job of finding it quickly and squashing it where it pops up in new places. Fanworm is pretty nasty but it's not the worst marine pest we could have he
  4. I did, it was before Facebook and Twitter etc were popular and was definitely a bit ahead of its time back then! I am glad you don't want to unsubscribe - I obviously got the wrong end of the stick. Thank you for drawing attention to the webinar - it will be great to see more boat owners there (and subscribed to the newsletter). It'll be recorded too.
  5. Hi Addem, I look after this newsletter. I also have a long history going back around 20 years with Crew.org.nz (I founded it!) although I'm doing less (actually, zero) sailing these days (kids, work) and just drop in sometimes to see what's up. Firstly, the 'Clean Below?' newsletter goes widely to a list of subscribers. I promise you are only on there because you have signed up, or someone has signed you up. Maybe at a boat show? You can definitely unsubscribe at any time - just use the link on the bottom of the email or reply to the email and we'll sort it for you. If anyone reading this wou
  6. We look across to Cornwallis, I really wish I'd have seen this boat I'd have gone out for a look! Fantastic. She's a beauty. Eerie about the ketch.
  7. Thanks for this guys. I have compiled it into some bullet points - all anonymous. The intention is to use it in a newsletter about marine biosecurity. If you'd like to see it before it is published, or are curious about where it's going, please just send me an email - zoe@wildemedia.co.nz - I'll be happy to show you.
  8. Awesome! How long was it since you'd maintained the hull, and what did you notice exactly?
  9. Hi guys I hope everyone is well and still enjoying boating! Great to see the forum still going strong. While I hear that your boat is supposed to get bigger as you get older, mine is much smaller and I am down to around 4m LOA with a little dinghy. I am sure I should own a fifty footer by now. But that's not why I am writing. I am doing a little research into the correlation between a clean or dirty bum and boat performance. I'd love to hear your anecdates/experiences and before and after statistics, for possible use in an online story. Also feel free to email me - zoe@wildemedia.c
  10. Half tide... I know what I meant...
  11. Thanks everyone, the 'any time above high tide' sounds like a good rule of thumb to me and my mathematically incapable brain. Wal, we have a TV and numerous iPads to keep them busy but weird thing is they want to be outside!
  12. Okay I have googled that, will have a go, thank you! Yes still alive. Very happy to be back in the boating world!
  13. Hi guys Long time no see. I've had four children since I last posted properly and now they are now all sailing opti's! So a lot of time has gone by. After 10+ years of being boatless, I am lucky enough to be helping look after my father's Logan 33 which we have recently moved to Milford Marina. It draws just over 60cm - it's a gorgeous boat and we want to get out and use it more. I am trying to get a handle on the tides and depths at the entrance. Is there any simple answer as to the time either side of high tide we are going to be okay to get in and out? Or am I goi
  14. Great minds think alike Elly I have just loaded some info about how to make Cat 3 easy' to the Coastal website for the NZMYC There will be an inspection day at Westhaven and also a link to a simple checklist. G http://www.coastalclassic.co.nz/single-post/2017/09/13/Inspection-day-and-check-list-make-getting-Cat-3-easier
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