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About saltmonster

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  1. I'm more looking for a well done job, than worrying about budget.
  2. Hey, Crew.org I am looking at upgrading my sails on my 30ft racing boat. But I am having trouble deciding on a sail maker. I am keen to find a sail maker that cares and makes sure the boat goes well upwind. Any suggestions or previous good experiences while upgrading sails. Doyle? Evolution? North? ?
  3. Hi All! The last thing on my cat 3 checklist is the first aid kit. I brought the burnsco first aid kit that says it complies to cat 3 standards. But when I looked at the YNZ safety regulations later, i noticed the cat 3 burnsco first aid kit is missing half the stuff that's needed in the safety regulations. I'm just wondering how strict the the regulations are or do i need to go buy everything that's missing?
  4. Cheers for that, I’ll hit him up
  5. Awesome thanks for the response. I’m now wondering when to rip out the long board and for generally how long? (I understand every paint product and boats requires different amount of time and effort)
  6. nah, I don’t have a paint system in mind at the moment
  7. Hi I am looking at getting the outside of my ross 930 repainted. Due to hardstand prices I am looking at refitting in my backyard and getting all the prep work done my self and then getting a professional to paint. I have talked to the vinyl guy and says the paint has some kind of issue, where all the paint has to be removed? I feel the paint has done a brilliant job for 20 years plus but a tidy up is needed. I have refitted the inside, and learning from my mistakes. These jobs are harder than said to be done. My real question is what kind of time and effort is required eg.
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