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Bimini Babe

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About Bimini Babe

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 15/06/1982

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  1. Thanks guys! Awesome to hear such positive feedback. So stoked!!!
  2. Sailed this beautiful creature from Auckland to her new home in the BOI. Very VERY happy bunny. Thanks so much to all of you who offered advice and suggestions over the course of my painfully long and frequently frustrating search for a new boat. With your help, I'm pretty sure I nailed it.
  3. Whoa! Thanks for the heads up on the F9.2! No I haven't. Was pretty close... but both of my serious options sold on Monday!
  4. Hi folks, just catching up after a few days on the water - thanks again for all the input. At the moment I'm reconsidering both Whiting 29s (I can see one on TM at the moment - is this the 'Pukeko' someone mentioned? It certainly looks like the interior theme, so I'm guessing same boat, but the listing says fractional rig?) and actually having another think about Marauders too... Cascade 36 - could certainly have a look next time I'm in AKL, but I think it would probably be a no-go owing to the potential re-saleability (if it's been on the market that long, presumably it's a bit of a h
  5. Yup that one's in Doves Bay, hopefully have a look sometime soon. Teak decks though, and older deck gear... One in Westhaven too but it's really run down. Had a look at that already - looks suspiciously like a "project"...
  6. Whiting 29... Maybe? Lotus 9.2/Marauder - storms, really?? Had seriously considered both of these but dismissed them due to concerns over seaworthiness. Perhaps unfounded? Ross 930 - I won't even dignify that with a response KM... D28 - too small D35 - too big! Well, too expensive, or too run down within budget? Would love a D35 actually but that's my concern - anything within my budget will need too much work. Lidgard 30 - already looked at this one, hate the layout. Raven 31 - again too far outside budget for a decent one, and also not sure about seaworthiness? I also seri
  7. Dave I did briefly consider that D35, but figured it would likely be pretty run down at that price? I think there's a lot to be said for buying the best example of a cheaper/smaller boat, rather than the worst example of a more expensive design!
  8. Thanks for the suggestions guys, but I literally have considered everything on trademe, and can't find anything that suits. Anyone have any suggestions from outside of TM? Broker listings? Overseas boats? Know someone who knows someone??
  9. Hello again ye olde fount of nautical wisdom. I am once again seeking your advice as I've reached a dead end in my search for a new boat. I was oh-so-close to buying a Chico 30, until the seller went and sold it to someone else the day before I was going to have it surveyed! I've been trawling TradeMe for what feels like months, and have just about lost the will to live - I just can't find ANYTHING that floats my boat, so to speak. Does anyone out there have any ideas? I'm even willing to buy overseas and sail it back if I can get something for the right price in the Tropics or Aussie, even th
  10. Outstanding! Will there be a write up? Oh you have no idea......
  11. Storm covers made Bracing fitted to wind generator pole Adjustable tie-down straps for loose gear (home made - had to learn to use sewing machine first!) fitted to bunks Floorboards covered with teak (look sh*t-HOT!) Cleats mounted on stern Transom repaired and painted ready for wind vane steering Strong points for new flexi water tank fitted V-berth bunk modified (so me and Mr BB can sleep 'together' again) BOOM!!!
  12. Finally completed what could well be the longest engine installation in history. Nine months from purchase to commissioning. I could have had a baby by now, and would probably have gone through less pain. Oh yes, and also passed the RYA Yachtmaster shorebased exams on the same day. Now where's the seriously smug emoticon?
  13. I think fish go into feeding mode in the shallows after a big blow AC, all those yummy kina smashed up on the rocks are just irresistible to snapper.
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