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About crocodile

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  1. Thanks, I have emailed them so will see how that pans out. On a related issue - can one get aluminium drums re-knurled?
  2. Hi wise people My 2-speed winches started jamming a bit and it seems the issue is the lower pawl slots (or whatever they are called) are worn and the pawls wobble about. Either they sort of pop out and semi jam or the pawl springs work their way out and either lock up the pawls or get bent. In the photo this is the inner brass casting (machined?), I have shown how the one pawl does not lock snuggly into the slot. Barient was bought by Lewmar a million years ago and I cannot find any info about getting replacements for Barient. Does anyone have any advice please? John
  3. I had R...... 55mm ratchets and they blew up. Switched to H..... 75mm ratchets and they have been great for years now. Prop them up with 1/2 a tennis ball, cheap and cheerful but a bit finicky to install the pins (a few have "plopped") and they only last a couple of years.
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