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Posts posted by Guzz

  1. this is an interesting debate as I think most of the opposition is more about the loss of the motor camp as opposed to it being about whether a sailing centre should be there.


    To be honest I haven't looked at the plans so can't comment on the practicality but if you look at the location and think about the other waterfront stadiums that have been proposed for Auckland for Rugby and Cricket and the reasons they were proposed then Takapuna has a lot going for it.


    1. Its relatively easy to get to.

    2. There are range of bars and restaurants, entertainment, and accommodation all relatively close by for both participants and spectators so the ability to create a regatta atmosphere is relatively easy

    3. It is easy to lay spectator friendly courses off the bays out of the way of the shipping channels, fishing fleets, and less tidal and wind issues as opposed to the inner harbour.

    4. Its easy to sail from there all year round.

    5. Most importantly sailing is exposed to a huge potential audience of non sailing people that regularly use Takapuna beach.

    6. You have 3 or 4 clubs all on the shore that you can draw resource / support from on an as required basis.

    7. You could mitigate ramp issues by making beach access easier and most dinghys can launch off the beach.


    I regularly go for a walk on Takapuna beach and everytime you are there someone new is giving Paddle boarding ago simply because they have seen others doing it on the beach.


    I know this is a high performance centre but there has to be flow on effect for sailing by simply exposing it to as wide an audience as possible.


    I am sure there will be access issues congestion problems but I think the chance to create a world class sailing facility in a good high profile location is something that that should be seriously considered given the potential long term benefits to the sport.

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