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Ignorant Dangerous Skippers


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Take a step back and get some perspective, people. If anyone else had posted this, the replies would have been very different - tall poppy syndrome strikes yet again in NZ.


Bull's concerns were one: that a race boat had decided to motor through the start of another division with 60 seconds to go - who out there is ok with this?


Secondly, there were at least half a dozen other boats who weren't starting until later in the start box. Again; everyone ok with this too? Or is it just ok if it's not your start?


The situations above are ignorant, and dangerous, no matter what the size of boat - people get injured or killed in collisions involving boats much smaller. Bull's not asking for special consideration, or exception - just that everyone follow the rules.


There is much noting - and complaining that our race fleets are getting smaller, and older, and no one can afford to buy the latest/greatest. Someone goes and does that, and now everyone has a problem with it :crazy:



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