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Quite a few little changes to the Safety Regs. I don't think there is a summary of the changes around yet but certainly worth a read.

My job for Christmas is to do new check sheets.

Also - I think Yachting NZ did a great job of trying to keep Maritime NZ, their YNZ Inspectors, and the best interests of boaties in mind. I was looking from afar, and Andrew and Mike were working hard and long on this matter.

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Be bloody nice if someone published the new stuff, it's only 15 sleeps and people are waiting, in some case on hold waiting.


the changes are on the isaf site.

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Yet again Safety at Sea does damn good, Thanks Jono it was at work before me.


Just had a quick suss of the new Safety Regs and there are some changes, some dumb, some based off myths, some smart, some long overdue and the usual lack of allowing for the way a lot of boating is done and is heading. I also wonder how on earth someone is suppose to check some of these Regs. There is no way what so ever some of these Regs can be check once fitted so I'd suggest there is going to be a lot of guessing and finger crossing going on for the next few years.


Starting the in-depth read now.

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I'm still working through them in detail but they are a mix of good, bad, brilliant, totally bizarre and some stepping back in time to the 19th century. They seem to lack coherency with good stuff happening in one area of the boat yet weird retro shite in another.


I'm now allowed 2.5mm fibre lifelines and a 2.65kg steel anchor yet I don't have to get wanky calcs to get to Fiji as my boat is older and proven itself. See what I mean just with those 3 points, freaky small, dangerous followed by a massive bucket of common sense.

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You can equip your boat to the letter of the law, or you can upgrade where it is your choice and peace of mind.

Lifelines. People can choose to go light aramid and replace regularly or go wire and have no issues for 20 years.

Anchor. This is worded around having a kedging anchor or picnic anchor for immediate use - Cat 4-5, and then the decent cruising anchor and chain in the bilge for Cat 1-3. Class Yachts, eg 930s or Y88s (usually) have their own spec in any event.

With all the new styles, and there never being good wording about alloy equivalents, let alone the woolliness of the ISAF specifications for ORC Special Regs, it was all getting too emotive and blown out of proportion. I am aware the spec was deemed to be a non issue for harbour racing as people only anchor when there is no wind. :D


Other stuff at first glance


You now need 1 Para red flare for cat 4


Grab Bag

There is now mandatory requirements (The can opener has been removed..)



150N (Inflatables) for Cat 1-3

Lights attached for Cat 1-3


Safety Location Diagram

This is new.

Cat 1-3

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