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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 3 hours ago, Clipper said:

    How about the inspection costs?

    My cat 2 check last year in September cost $325.  Now $490.

    Its a big number for (usually) 1 or 2 races only.



    The inspectors are being shafted also, I charged (my fee) $200 for Cat 3 and $235 for cat 1 &2

    I’ll now get paid by YNZ and Cat 3 is $150 less PAYE so let’s call it half as much give or take and as a PAYE employee, I’ll not be able to claim my travel against my tax either as I was able before as a contractor 

    Only half (approximately) the inspectors have re signed up.


  2. 6 hours ago, Psyche said:

    Didnt realise it was you on Serena, you were gone after Billy Goat point! We got bit lucky to connect the dots into the Southerly while the fleet did the second restart for the day.

    The improvements seem to be working

  3. The process seems like it my be easier for cruiser than the old as a lot of the difference was racing requirements that YNZ included, plus you don’t now need to be a member of a yacht club

    I think single handed will still be a possibility, the idea is you get sign off for your intended voyage on paper then get your boat signed off as being suitable 

    There are going to be issues to work through however if they are willing to adapt the system as these arise it could be better than the current system where it’s often up to the inspectors discretion 

    Watch this space and if you can see any problems let me know and I’ll bring them up, I’ve seen a couple and am sitting firmly on the fence with one leg either side at this point

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  4. 36 minutes ago, Guest said:

    Well thats refreshing! Seemed but a bit outrageous; I tend to glaze over reading govt documents that always seem to make simple things convoluted. I develop A.d.d. very quickly.

    Is the "Initial registration" all the charges or do they charge you for a copy of it as well? see circled?

    Would be handy to have a copy of it.  Or is the table only designed for rich pricks that dont give fcuk.

    Or, poor punters, to make it look less and they are getting more for their money.

    An to be further obtuse, do they start you off on "initial" and if you pass you graduate to "provisional". 🤣

    Or, the other way round?🙄

    So, 368$, that's it?

    That web page is enough to make me want to swim to Poland.




    No that’s if you lose it

    they send you a physical copy but also electronic 

    move got multiple laminated copies on board 

  5. I charge a small fee on top if a first timer wants me to walk them through the prep which includes a preliminary look over the vessel

    Usually works out to between $30/$40 per hour, sometimes less for the whole process and usually I can save them more with ideas that I’ve pick up from either doing myself or from others that I’ve inspected 

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  6. Ok, small up date as we don’t know much yet but this much I do know

    If Olly’s boat was closer I could start the process on the 30th and he would have 60 days or could get 30 day extensions o top of that

    As of 1st July I lose both my delegation to issue Cat 1’s and my ability to issue Cat 2 and 3 certs

    The New process will be something like the following

    MNZ will call for applications for  new positions of VAA (vessel assessment advisor) some of these will probably be ex YNZ inspectors 

    ‘YNZ will also ask current inspectors to reapply as cat 2,3 inspectors (however they are expecting less than there are currently). This will run under basically the old system of owners contact an inspector off the list and paying them and they pre buy certs from YNZ 

    As for Cat 1 those wanting to take their recreational craft overseas will apply to Maritime NZ for an
    International Voyage Certificate (Pleasure Craft)  This will need to include experience, qualifications, drills, vessel history etc. The cost of this hasn’t been set however they say it will be similar to current costs

    MNZ will then appoint a VAA to check details and do assessment plus some time for advising, they will be casual employees of MNZ and get paid and indemnified by them

    I’d say if your going this season get your inspection done this week as I’m not confident YNZ or MNZ aren’t making this up as they go along, however it’s based on the commercial system 

  7. 1 hour ago, CarpeDiem said:

    The most logical thing for MNZ to do would be make it self certifying. 

    Master of the ship signs off and completes a stat dec that they meet the safety requirements. Just like Cat 4 and Cat 5 are self certifying.

    Then randomly inspect. An inspector could just show up with the immigration officer... 

    Job done. 

    This is after all what every other flag does...

    Then YNZ can learn from that and do the same for Cat2 and Cat3 and put the oneous on OAs to actually carry out the spot checks they threaten in their NoR's but never do... 

    your offshore, have you run out of wind or something ?

    Starlink must be working well

  8. 8 hours ago, mattm said:

    If there is a silver lining to all of this, it might be that the numbers for the next Auckland - Fiji / Noumea / ‘anywhere but here’ race are much better than in recent history. 

    I can’t see it

    Sounds more like you will probably need both sign off from YNZ to race and MNZ to depart as YNZ won’t have the delegation to issue the clearance cert

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  9. 5 hours ago, Island Time said:

    Not conclusive yet. Still discussion going on between MNZ and YNZ, but not looking great.

    It’s conclusive now
    Only Cat 1 that will be handled by YNZ inspectors is for Cat 1 races

    Plus all inspectors are going to need to apply to be reinstated as inspectors for Cat 1-5, so I’d read between the lines that there will be a cull

  10. Firstly we’re in the tropics are you ? Some chart data is very unreliable and other isn’t, plus is it fog or just dark night ? And have I been there before ?

    Stand off until daylight.

    Or use satellite imagery data, radar, chartplotter, navionics on another device, in other words all available means including someone on the bow as you can always see or hear something no matter how dark the night is.

  11. Yes Navionics, if you look at the two images Vanuatu Vatu is only visible in one also

    all systems have there risks, it has a declutter mode effectively that drops stuff as you zoom out, I always create a route not to follow directly but to use as a reference line so I can zoom in and out and still know we are heading in the correct general direction 

    I guess this is so it can be run on mobile devices I’m assuming 

    I like it as I run an iPad in the cockpit and encourage all crew to use it while in watch, when I first sailed offshore navigation was a dark art that was guarded by one or two aboard and was done in secrecy way down below at a hidden table, not quite but I like all crew to be situationally aware at all times, even my 3 year old grandson can use an iPad. He FaceTimes us every few days when he gets up

    The key to all systems is knowing there limitations 

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  12. Plotting a course from Minerva to Savusavu 

    Put in a few waypoints to go up between the islands in the Lau

    However you then need to zoom in and follow the route as many things don’t show at low zoom



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