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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Getting someone to cover a one day event is quite easy

    For the RNI you need someone for a month, the race only takes 16 to 18 days but with the build up then wrap up plus prize giving your talking 25 to 30 days non stop.

    Sure it may only take half an hour to write something everyday but gathering that info and getting it out is what takes the time

    Leg two finish I got 3 hours sleep in the two days it took the fleet to finish (but I did find out that craft beer is as good as sleep on the beer tour)

    To get the good oil you really need to catch the sailors as the hit the dock (think the LSD Skinner video)


    The more I think about it to pay the likes of LSD to cover the entire event you would be talking 50 to 100 % increase in the entry fee.

  2. Yes I was also wondering about the supply of pigs left in the country.


    Keep on with this as it's gold


    From SSANZ perspective investing your entry fees in a PR consultant when the race is fully subscribed isn't a great investment, we have tried this in the past and it didn't workout too well

    What we really need is an enthusiastic supporter, with the gift of the gab and can translate this into print


    Another thing to consider is an extra say $300 per yacht wouldn't make a bit of difference to a top end campaign but what makes this race special and something we really want to maintain is it's for everyone

    The majority of entrants are out to sail around the island first and formostly, if they end up with their name on a trophy, that's just a bonus


    Keep it coming

  3. You are missing the point!!!!.

    Ok KM seeing as it was only Splash Princes and myself plus inport helpers than ran this entire event with help from the SSANZ committee at some points plus from afar

    Your on,

    No wimping out and saying your doing it, first you need to cut the grass free from your hull and put it in the briny, but that's no excuses either

    Your now the offical SSANZ typed media corrrespondant from on and off the water

    Don't know how my liver will cope with two weeks on the road together but it will just have to man up and cope or hopefully you will enter then it will just be the stoppovers that will be pushing me to an early grave.

    146 weeks to go so as Changed said get down to your boat tomorrow and start getting ready, most aren't, but the few the excel are.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I think you will find that it's less than 1/4 that aren't on bookface or access it via open pages like the SSANZ page


    Mayday? What mayday


    A little pig put out an advisory when they lay down for rest in cook straight

    And a couple of yachts called up to advise that a Wellington yacht put on a display leaving home

    But Mayday ?

    Maybe I missed that one !

  5. As organisers we probably should have feed them the stories but we are all real sailors with real jobs trying to do our best by the real sailors that take on the challenge

    Every time I've approached the likes they only seem interested if we can provide advertising income for them, (when I approach them about our cruise back from Europe including dismasting they only seemed interested if I could provide produce placement links they could then hit up for adds

    So I just didn't bother)

    The best stories are the ones that you real sailors write and post here and on our website, of the challengers and adventures that you had doing it, that's what is really believable and the true-ish history of events like this

    • Upvote 3
  6. As for Duty Frees suggestion with the holiday being a Wednesday there is a chance to do a really long longhaul 2,3 or 500nm possibly starting Wednesday mid morning

    Then cruising 60nm and shorthaul 100nm starting Friday arvo with finish at GB

    Multis can organise themselves as usual.


    The key will be to get all yachts finished by mid arvo Saturday then lighting and generator again for a Smokehouse prize giving.


    What we need to know is there demand for a long race like this ?

    Or should we just run a shorter format and run it the weekend prior so them that wish can cruise back ?


    Easier the next year as it will be a Thursday holiday so we can go back to a similar format to last year.


    Either tell us here or contact one of the committee while it's fresh in your mind

  7. One other note tell the driver on the way back to take you to TGF (Thank God it's Friday) as there is a Balboa dock in downtown and we got caught with this once when we asked to go to Balboa Yacht Club

    Also do an evening in the old town for dinner, great restaurants and entertainment

    TGF is just across the road from the drop point for BYC

  8. Provisioning is easy in Panama City

    Get a mooring at the Balboa Yacht Club, your agent maybe able to help but usually you have to just call up once your through and see what's available or just anchor on the edge of the mooring area.

    If your on a mooring you just call up and a water taxi will collect you.

    There are two marinas down the end of the river as you get out into the bay, I have stayed there but the moorings are better and cheaper

    Get all the contact details off your navionics charts on your mobile device if your running one.

    Once ashore there are taxi's waiting just up the steps then along to the left, they charge $12 to $15 to take you into town but if you walk out to the main road, an extra 200m you can hale one for $8 if your cheeky enough.

    Ask to go to Albrook Mall, 10 to 15min away, has a very large supermarket plus everything else imaginable. Everything is really cheap

    Then just get a taxi back

  9. San Blas is a must stop


    Been through the canal twice now, once as skipper once as crew

    If you need any contacts re panama or further along email me and I'll send what I've got

    We hauled out and anti fouled in shelter bay, Tahiti is very expensive to do this.


  10. Very close to essential in my opinion, especially if your having others join you

    I insist on everyone drinking 3ltrs of water per day in the tropics plus showering daily

    Once you've had one you wouldn't go with out


    This is going to cost me now I say this but other than the primary filter we haven't had to do anything and the only problem was that the capacitor on the 230v motor died mid Atlantic so we then could only use the 12v motor

    We do use it all the time and never fill anywhere as I've been told that chlorinated water can kill the membrane plus if you use it regularly you don't need to pickle it

    This is the type below, ideal if you have a genset as you can run it on either this or the main engine depending on the situation


  11. No one fits all solution

    In Europe start with Vodafone roam $5 per day

    Then if your there awhile get a Vodafone sim or similar for Europe, it will work all the way to the Cannery Is.

    Caribbean is a mine field, Vodafone Antigua won't work on Vodafone Sint Maarten (Dutch) and you will need a different one in St Martin ( French) but same Island

    Once you get to Central America and most of the pacific you can't get 3G so no internet or very slow


    The up side is wifi is available cheap lots of places and generally data/phone is really cheap and often cheap enough to buy a phone and run it for a month cheaper than you are paying monthly here on a term


    We ran an iridium Go the whole way back and we contacted marinas etc ahead of arrival via email or phone no problems plus countries don't expect you to notify arrival etc like down hear, plus if you just turn up anywhere they will find you somewhere at least temporarily

    We usually just then went to a cafe for free wifi, think the Galapagos was the only place we paid for wifi and that was because it was cheap and a lot faster than the cafe next door.

  12. Ok we have decided to allow you to take your kids if your doing the cruising Division


    "In the nature of this being a fun event we have decided to allow children to sail with there parents in the Cruising division provided they don't provide any assistance "

    • Upvote 2
  13. Anyone know of a cheapish flow detector locally ?

    My water maker overflows the tank when it's full over the side so I'd like to put a sensor on the overflow tube (12mm I think) so I can wire it to a small led light rather than have to go up on the foredeck to check

    First world problem I know, but I'm just worried about filling the ocean with fresh water ;-d

  14. I think you should all stay home and safe

    I love night sailing and it's a lot easier if your all safe at home

    No matter how dark it is you can always see something

    But heavy rain can be difficult, best to have a helmsman that just helms and a seperate person to navigate but with a good auto helm you can do both, my present boat has radar, I thought it was a waste of time until I had it

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