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Posts posted by Jon

  1. We looked at US boats initially but discounted them for two reasons being, 110v the other being the same boat in the US is about 20% more expensive.

    Also we don't get to sail across the Atlantic, so that makes three disadvantages


    As for the electrics of the Euro boats well I'm taking the Electrician on both the purchase trip and the real one.


    Yes we are only interested in owner versions that haven't been charted.


    And are looking at above average production / semi production models.

    Staying away from the average bear hopefully.

  2. Darkside

    Thinking low but what will that be ?

    We have a line of them, first one on the hit list is in Spain then 3 days later we will be in Nice, I don't think they will know what's hit them.

    I'd hate to offer 60% of asking price and them say yes, but I guess if it's a bargin to us them everyone's happy

    And yes looking at non charter owners versions

    Not planning on much time in the Med but maybe next time ?

  3. Interesting thread

    We have been looking for a 50' cruiser for the last year and everything we have seen here is either at least 3/4 of a mi or a POS.

    So we leave in six weeks to by in the Med

    It's looking likely that for less than $300k nz we will buy a yacht less than 5 years old and fitted out to a level not seen here.


    The biggest question on my mind is how low with my initial offer do I go ?

    50, 70, 80 % of asking price ??


    We will sail home, which is also a bonus

    Planning on taking a year in total on and off but if it takes two years then I won't be crying.

  4. Below radio info

    Definatly do Whangaroa if you have time, and don't worry about a marina unless you need supplies as there are plenty of places to anchor

    It's about 20 nm to Whangaroa then another 35 to Keri Keri aprox so it's doable in a little cruiser with a favourable breeze but it will make the trip if you stopover.

    You will be in ph range the whole way


    CG nowcasting

    Location Channel

    Doubtless Bay 20

    Bay of Islands 21

    Or CG on

    Whangaroa 84

    BOI 86


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    VHF Channels: 60 East Coast,

    VHF Weather Broadcasts: 0730, 1330, 1730 and 1930 on request

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