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Posts posted by aardvarkash10

  1. 8 hours ago, waikiore said:

    Certainly as noticed this weekend Altex No 5 has been watered down lately , having been a very happy customer for 25 plus years I seem to have slime after two months not had that before.....


    Are you sure?  I doubt that Altex could change the formulation without re-registered it.  Has there been a new product registration, or any change in the product information?

    There may have been, but I wouldn't rule out environmental changes as the cause.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Everything seemed to go to pieces when Andy Maloney left 

    Mrs Aardvark is blaming Blair's new baby.

  3. 6 hours ago, waikiore said:

    Ac38 seems to be in trouble, challenger of record melting into acrimonious court cases , no venue, no rules yet , unless you are a billionaire trying to offload large amounts -who will be a sponsor of such an event ? or potential team ? Yes I know the hoards from Auckland that went enjoyed the event but that could have been anywhere , and it really has no connection to the yacht racing that most of us regularly engage in. 

    You just described the lead up to every AC for the last 20 years or so.

    I have faith that money and hubris will win through.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Psyche said:

    I installed a $15 Ali express 2 channel RF remote for the windlass as a back up because the foot switches have failed twice. 

    So with one press you can pull the anchor up and summon the fire service volunteer crew in Taihape!!

  5. On 29/01/2025 at 7:36 AM, aardvarkash10 said:

    Phew.  That would eliminate about 90% of NZs recreational fleet from cover in one hit...

    Thanks for the reminder, I must update the survey data.  It will happen tonight.

    Just updated.  63 responses now.

    If you have recently insured or reinsured, please complete the survey - even if you have completed with last year's details.  This will help everyone track changes over time.



  6. 4 hours ago, Ex Machina said:

    Side note , I tried the pak n save brand benzalkonium chloride on our mouldy mainsail and stack pack it worked a treat . $6 bucks for a litre whereas wet and forget is $99 per 4 litres 

    Yup, that stuff is the sh*t alright.  We spray it on using a garden spray pack and it deals to green growth, algae, lichen, bird crap, even fouling on the waterline.

    We dilute it about 5:1 spray and leave it to work.

    Love it.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Psyche said:

    I would support a petition to move the summer break forwards a few weeks at least. 

    Hell no!

    Then everyone would be out there in February and March when the weather is best and I'm out there.  Leave as is so our anchorages aren't crowded.

    *Declaration of Self-Interest*

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  8. 19 hours ago, Ex Machina said:

    Noflex is basically Oxygen bleach so I’ve been oxygen bleach at a fraction of the price and it works .

    Got a product name for that?

  9. Phew.  That would eliminate about 90% of NZs recreational fleet from cover in one hit...

    Thanks for the reminder, I must update the survey data.  It will happen tonight.

  10. 4 hours ago, ex Elly said:

    Which is more exciting - skimming across water at 15 knots, or flying above the water at 30knots?

    Competing and possibly winning are not related to speed.

    Compare trials motorcycling to GP.  Both motorcycle sports, different expectations.

    If outright speed is the measure, drag racing is the ultimate motor sport.  IMO, this is not necessarily so.


  11. This is a perennial discussion.

    Whether you like it or not, yachting is a relatively high cost, relatively resource hungry and relatively time consuming sport.  It's up there with rowing and snow sports.

    I can tell you from experience that ski clubs are struggling with the same issues in terms of membership base.  The politics of elite snowsports I can't comment on as I have no experience in it.

    IMO, Sailing is very unlikely to become a high participant sport, so give up on that.  Focus on it being a preferred sport option for those with the resources.

    And don't  miss the opportunity with people who are not interested in a sport, but are looking for a lifestyle.  Developing people who are able to cruise locally, coastally, and then offshore is a market that seems to be underappreciated.

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  12. New report.  Forecasts were closer but still not realistic.  Motored from just before false head into Fitzroy.

    Wind, such that it was, from the west.

    Beers good, smokehouse reasonably busy, we are further up away from the stinkpots ...

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