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aardvarkash10 last won the day on July 21

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1,056 Excellent

About aardvarkash10

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    Advanced Member

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    Auckland, NZ

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  1. That's not a radical bend, I would think you could do it in a roller bender. Long radius S shape rather than two separate bends would produce less stress.
  2. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    they did stipulate a one-hull rule. Regrets, I've had a few...
  3. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    Finally, some excitement https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/350396940/mighty-bang-team-new-zealand-boat-damaged-crane-accident-americas-cup-base
  4. our gas locker (now redundant) also houses the liquid fuels. Constantly smells of tw-stroke fuel fumes... 😏
  5. bloody hell. Or heel. We've had SO beyond 45 degrees from time to time. Don't even get wet in the cockpit. Well, not from seawater.
  6. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    the definition of rich man racing. No technical or operational relevance at all to the boating population, and boring as batshit to watch. F1 had this problem for a while and fixed it with technical limitations, but they had the advantage of 10 competitors, 20 vehicles at any one time. Yachts match racing (AC at least) has two competitors, 3km off-shore in a procession. Best you can hope for as an observer is a gear failure or an operator error to liven things up.
  7. Well, when the senior officer makes an order...
  8. We have white upholstery in the Volvo. It's from hell.
  9. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    Today looks a bit closer. Just watching GB and the Swiss.
  10. Agree with your sentiment K, or as I understand it. To move away from geopolitics and into media and advertising, the reason we are in thrall with this is that we are fed it. I'd expect interest on a site like crew or anarchy, but the wider interest globally is the result of media selling advertising. Nothing else. There is no deep public interest in the narrow subject area of "billionaires dying in unusual circumstances". There is, however, a fatburg of schadenfreude and celebrity fascination that makes this stuff a goldmine for ratings.
  11. updated. 53 responses to date.
  12. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    Yup three now have it on demand. Also available on the stuff.co.nz website. Processional is the best description for the moment. Prestart wrestling, then whoever leads over the start line wins. It better improve.
  13. I don't agree wiv it, but rules is rules
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