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Black Panther

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Posts posted by Black Panther

  1. Viewed objectively there is nothing more absurd than the usual sea-going toilet of the modern production yacht. What expense and engineering, what a profligate use of space and materials, what a baroque concoction of pipes and valves and pumps and skin fittings, what a sop to over-developed human sensitivities, all for the purpose of transferring a small amount of matter a distance of about twelve inches, from here on the inside of the hull, to there on the outside of the hull.

    -- From Mingming and the Art of Minimal Ocean Sailing by Roger D. Taylor

  2. When Nancy was about 9 she asked if she could have a go at rowing the dinghy by herself. Mum and Dad wanted a nap so I said OK if she stayed tethered to the boat. When I came back on deck she was a few hundred yards away, she had taken every piece of line she could find sand tied them all together so she could row a bit further. Took me most of the afternoon to re rig the boat.

  3. We used to get underway very early (4-5 am), leave the kids to sleep, sail the days distance by midday and mum would take them into town/to the beach/whatever while dad had a catch up nap and we would swap p[laces the next day. 


    You are right, do less sailing and more time with other activities.

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