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Y88 5241

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Posts posted by Y88 5241

  1. Bad timing with the level 3 shut down this evening, but can anyone recommend a mooring service contractor in Auckland (Upper harbour) by any chance?

    Find out this evening after booking in a mooring service in January 2020 for a mooring due by the 1st September 2020 that the contractor is still 10-12 weeks away from getting to our mooring with no previous notice. Obviously not going to get a mooring contractor in time now, however need to get it done ASAP. Thanks in advance

  2. Wanting to make this removable but leave the wiring loom in the boat. Is it ok to cut and solder a connection in the middle of the cable? What sort of plug would you use? It’s a 9pin Lowerance/Simrad plug

  3. Glad everyone is safely off. Must be seriously frightening when the keel starts letting go - at least they had some warning and it didn't just randomly drop while sailing.


    Didn't this boat have some serious keel issues before, the ram broke and the keel smashed though the side of the wet box off Gisborne or Napier.

    No was V5 and bit different to how you describe it

  4. All good except those who brought a brand new raft for the coastal last year thinking it would be good for a few years to come, and now find its worthless as who needs a cat3 raft now!


    Personally I’m against the idea of removing the raft requirements, whilst it’s never been used it, if a boat was to sink and a live lost explaining the rationale behind removing the requirement may be hard as ‘to get more entries’ probably won’t cut it

  5. I have a 2006 Mercury 2.5hp 2-stroke for sale. Never used except for initial tank run at dealer and last week also at dealer. Has been stored for the last few years in my grandfathers garage. Couple small scratches on bottom of leg but otherwise new. Will throw in the throttle valve upgrade to turn it into a 3.3hp. Stored at westhaven


    Asking $650

  6. Waeco well worth the price,I have cfx 40 and ran on temp zone 4 for 5 days away camping at thames and 120amh deep cycle battery lasted just with no charge.(need to invest in a panel)forget about the crappy old warehouse chilly bins,find an iceytek bin,near freeze or hard chill items before use.Salt ice!!

    I have the CFX 40 as well and runs nicely on 12v no issues we have a solar panel topping up battery as also running secondary build in fridge. We brought a Dometic/Waeco chilly bin as well, keeps salt ice cold 5 days so far with this heatwave

    • Upvote 1
  7. Trapped myself on Orapui filling up about 10 years ago. Tide pinned me to the wharf, never been back

    Luckily the tide was pulling me off but dead slack low tide, plenty of shellfish etc makes it interesting. Saved a trip back to Matitia

  8. Question: can anyone here claim to have used one of these on anger I.e. falling of a boat with accommodation (not a dinghy or sportboat) inflated it and while waiting in the water to be rescued thought "this thing just saved my life"??

    Yes with a Spinlock, what you want to know

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