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Priscilla II

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Posts posted by Priscilla II

  1. Yup, you are sure correct there Wheels and if I was not otherwise presently engaged in purchasing Penny Brights abode I too would back you in your endeavours to have the Council buy your lump of concrete for a similar sum.

    Obviously the Beachaven residents are in full agreement with this historically important maritime mission of mercy and see no great need for those funds to be allotted towards any other pressing community needs.

  2. How many of you are really going to pony up and support this altruistic endeavour with cash or resources.

    Easy to bang on from the sidelines but I just think it’s a journey for fools.

    That’s my opinion.

    I’m giving my loot to the members of our community that are in urgent need of cash to just stay alive.

    Givealittle have a look.

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  3. Won’t die wondering what exactly.

    He perished doing what he loved doesn’t make the moment any better.

    Go to more funerals than party’s at my stage of life and hearing he died doing what he wanted just seems a bit odd.

  4. Priscilla, I completely disagree with that. Andrew knows whats out there. His level of acceptable risk is higher than most. Many people say sailing across an ocean at all is foolhardy.

    All extreme sports carry similar risk, and it's always been the adventurous expanding our horizons

    This is not a sport and can you please explain how on earth is this a expanding horizon endeavour.
  5. If you look at what Andrew is seeking presently for primary partners in his Swirly World Adventure they are technos with skills that are not essentially sea based.

    If you sign on and the whole thing descends into disaster are you not assisting or at least contributing if the outcome is not all rosey pictures to his possible demise.

  6. It’s a widow maker journey.

    Dress it up as much as you like ,man against the elements , climbing my Everest etc but the reality is how many of your whanau would you like to leave awaiting updates scheds if possible for 2 years.

    Not many if any.

  7. Yup, and before all you closet solo first to climb Everest in the nude and Mariana Trench free divers burst into life can anyone name the present holder of the record for mini circumnavigations without reaching for the google.

  8. Well I am going to firstly ask why and secondly what does he exactly achieve by tempting fate in a seaborne peanut.

    Personally this one leaves me stone cold and full of fear.

    He has family and loved ones and he is a extremely old school talent but this proposed endeavour smacks of self indulgent risky behaviour taken to the max.

    Andrew should look to his perished namesake that train wreck Aussie character who left a weeping widow clutching his empty kayak. 

    Not cool at all.


    The Herald article I initially posted does highlite the shortcomings of a half awash ever tumbling human container.

    To progress the concept of a self saving life preserving option that can adequately meet the challenges of meeting a testing environment what are the alternative practical options .

  10. Fish, in all my sailing life I have never seen or sailed on a yacht that has not as a primary when it all turns to sh*t option stocked anything else but a inflatable.

    Sure in your view a raft is not the ideal option and along with BP maybe getting yourself out of the crap in a home built life preserving orb is your choice.

    However I ask the same question who has survived a drama at sea in the craft you describe.

  11. BP, can you point me in the direction of any recent successful examples of self rescue at sea anywhere using your concept.

    I do wish you all the best in your travels and god forbid if one founders in the most remote areas of the planet surviving by any method is paramount.

    On a aside Mike Bailes sailed a Folkboat with raised plank topsides around the planet and after surviving one particularly nasty and lenghty easterly storm off our coast was daily visited by a solo dolphin. After several days in his crippled vessel with limited supplies and options he sadly consumed his new found associate . From that friendship Mike said came life.

    Mike never in my memory had any sort of life raft.

  12. Fish, I am not that convinced that a 3m RIB is going to provide any practical "sailabilty" with a lug rig and 4 persons aboard including supplies in any sort of seaway for any great distance.

    Leaving the area for SAR just increases the risk for non recovery.

    A covered sailing dinghy like the Tinka never sold in great numbers for practical reasons.

    Putting it simply I am no Bligh but given the global coverage of the humble epirb and the propensity for yachts to sink rather quickly once catastrophic failure has occurred quickly I am more than happy to spend the 3.5k for a inflatable life raft.

    Its just the price of a headsail and is a proven lifesaver.

  13. Will that past muster for a Cat 1.

    Say you have 4 crew in foulies with water and supplies etc it would have to be a pretty decent sized tender along with a method of power?fuel to seek out safety in a atrocious sea state.

    Most seem content to just flip the epirb on and sit and wait.

    Hope that it works and someone actually responds.

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