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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Nervous moments on the router table reducing the Navy Whaler oars by 300mm in length and shaping the new handles. They are nesting nicely now and the new mainsail just arrived all 7.8 sqm of it.
  2. Actually I am thinking it will be a shame to finish her maybe I could do like Lex did with the Haparanda and cut the Morby down the middle and in half grow her a bit now that would keep me occupied .😀
  3. Thanks for that. Francois Vivier designed Morbic 12. I have gone with Carbothane 133LH as a topcoat over Interprotect epoxy primer and the satin finish is a welcome relief from high gloss. Other positives with Carbothane is the recoating time is indefinite and it’s bloody damned hard as😀
  4. Final coat will going on today…
  5. Rebuilt the fire box on the wood burner. Getting it apart was like one of those Chinese puzzle box’s . The one thing I have learned in retirement is a nice snooze paves the way from confusion to success.
  6. Crikey you really do get a lot of choice regarding trim control options for your money😀
  7. Thanks for the recommendation I will contact David.
  8. The Morby is getting close to the end of the build and it is time to order the mainsail. I am looking for a sailmaker anyone got any preferences.
  9. Here's a start... https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/517985/allegations-of-bias-inconsistency-in-olympics-yachting-selections
  10. Thinking about using KiwiGrip on the Morby sole is it possible to refine the finish ie less stipple?
  11. Anybody got a Starling rudder they’re wanting to sell?
  12. Centre board case exhausted my teak stock got one piece left just long enough for the all important tiller.
  13. Well it most certainly “ found a submerged object”so that part of the mission was a success. I note that the crew muster was 75 but the bunk capacity was 66 so some crew must have been on watch.
  14. “Missions that the ship enables include coastal and harbour survey, underwater explosive disposal, underwater search and recovery, and limited mine countermeasures,” the NZDF said. The ship supported Navy operations “across the maritime domain”. “The ship can survey harbours and approaches prior to larger support ships landing support equipment and personnel, whether for combat or disaster relief. It can support the ongoing mission to eradicate explosive remnants of war in the South Pacific. “And it can undertake salvage operations to find and recover submerged objects.”😀
  15. I don't think God intended teak trees to be steam bent but I have sinned and succeeded😀
  16. https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/2024/08/27/former-bayesian-captain-offers-insight/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook&fbclid=IwY2xjawE7BGNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHcypw4JHR72LAifabcGGBYMN4tNEaIynP2F_xTLka6qaJm3moA5i9OFq5A_aem_lu7z7CHKo3RiR0xmAdy4Pw
  17. If you’re still onboard a submersed boat electrocution would just join the list of immediate concerns. I wonder if lithium iron batteries continue to burn whilst submersed.
  18. Far too much profit in them to allow for that equitable socialist clap trap to get a leg in. I have always viewed Westhaven as public open recreational space akin to golf courses rugby facilities etc etc. Swept away in the cutting black heat of “greed is good” berth rates have severely savaged the value of craft. Here’s just one example of many $145k crikey that must hurt. Not exactly a sustainable way of doing business. The head of Auckland Marinas must be dodging the ghost of his dad daily.
  19. If she’s well built the colour is irrelevant😀
  20. Thinking Alabaster white boring I know. Red has a certain appeal. All the trim ie cap rails thwarts tiller etc are plain unvarnished teak and the spars are carbon😀 May do trail boards old school flower relief cnc router cut and guilded but no room for a bare breasted figurehead unfortunately the Admiral wouldn’t agree to pose must be that my pockets aren’t as deep as Jeff Bezos.
  21. I kind of regret parting with our old wooden log as it was way far less demanding than the house… Think I will add another extra metre to the Morby to suit the Navy Whaler oars.
  22. talking of gravity, dolphins and hoops...
  23. I do agree with Brian space could well be infinite. Oh to be a fly on the wall at this meeting of minds. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/apr/14/worlds-top-cosmologists-convene-to-question-conventional-view-of-the-universe
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