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Posts posted by jonathan

  1. Poor Gabby    helming / foiling / holding main sheet.....


    Doing all this while having a slower boat....


    (we are sorry for the language that Gobby just spurted....)

  2. tuffy - tell me more , haven't thought about domestic but why not..... if they done work on boat I could move to my mancave..... 


    wheels - i have seen retrofited euro 115's dam its a nice light......

  3. yeah its a nice cheap boat and if you raced offshore you would have no chance in either the cruising or main racing fleet on handicap or line....   nice cruiser tho, but i personally would rather have a more protected rudder...




    "noted title of thread race fleet"

  4. Should have qualified This is internal lighting..... I am not ballsy enough to go led on Navs yet.    Even at trade that hella 115 is a lot of beer tokens , have seen them installed tho and wow

  5. I am sure its been covered but I could not easily find via search.


    I have 5 lights I want to replace,  I really like the Hella Euro 115 but at about $145 a pop I find myself looking at alternatives.    I want a lot of light as the interior is darker teak.


  6. dinghy fleets are  growing in AKL, no marina fees, low cost, true class designs etc


    just sayin


    many of these fleets cost less then westhaven fee;s alone.....


    and no need for handicaps



    racing is racing, our old mismatched fleet are turning into cruisers as its impossible to find a class left barring y88 and perhaps bumper boats 


    y11, ross 9.3 so many possible classes have fallen apart as people "optimised" them so they could win on phrf in coastal etc, prods gennys etc etc

  7. As i see it the problems for REAL GROWTH in keelboat racing in NZ 


    All the new boats are too expensive for current small boat particpants - thus no new class.. well there is its just 50 +  foot long

    All the old boats are different and people are sick of phrf racing lottery

    Lots of our race results  are predetermined by weather ie uphill vs downhill 

    Not enough windward / leeward racing.

    Club handicaps worse the PHRF

    Costs thousands to park your boat as needs to be close to westhaven (i do see increasing panmure fleets tho)


    I cant see why offshore race changes the above at all, just adds $$$$ to the misery...


    more and more racers turning to cruising... which has added benefit - you can take the kids along.


    if you just want muck around in yachts and drink rum afterwards none of the above would matter..... as is all good, lots of fun etc...   but as a place to park 100-200k and seriously compete in a sport... nah

  8. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/news/article.cfm?c_id=7&objectid=11796960


    Virgin's Holiday Spirit is said to be the first rum scientifically produced to evoke the nation's favourite holiday emotions. How? Forget postcards, Virgin Holidays tapped into IBM's Watson (aka the world's most intelligent super-computer) to analyse the thoughts of more than 15 million holidaymakers through social media posts from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It's the modern-day "wish you were here".

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