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Posts posted by harrytom

  1. 3 hours ago, K4309 said:

    Now now, who didn't read what I wrote?

    If you had read what I wrote, you would see I was referring to the 4 guys that died waiting to be rescued. One was believed / confirmed dead caught in the hull at the time of the role over.

    Any chance you want to discuss this constructively, or are you just keen on taking potshots now?

    No as you defending the skipper all the way through. And I will say skipper was neglect on all accounts,remember dead men tell no lies. At first skipper hung to dry by no first aid cert but seems more to the case now.

    I will wait for the court verdict before any more discussion. Transmission over.

    • Like 1
  2. Rather interesting stat from "Beca" 2012,it now 2024

    The rate of increase of boats in Auckland varies with boat type. Following a significant growth period in the 1980s and early 1990s, growth in cruising vessels (yachts and launches that might occupy a marina berth or mooring) is estimated to be 0.45% per year. There is localised demand for moorings, but generally there is a trend to move boats to marinas which, although more costly than moorings, offer greater security and ease of access and maintenance. The total number of moorings in the region between 2006 and 2011 has not changed significantly. There are currently approximately 11,000 of cruising vessels in the region with a growth of 1,000 to 1,600 additional boats predicted over the next 20 to 30 years. There is a perceived trend for the size of these vessels to be increasing from a norm of 10m in length to 12m to 14m in length.  There has been significant growth in trailer boat numbers over the past 40 years and their predicted rate of growth is currently approximately 3% per year. Based on the number of registered boat trailers there are currently approximately 38,000 trailer boats in the region. This is predicted to increase to between 67,000 and 90,000 boats over the next 20 to 30 years. There is currently a perceived shortage of all tide/ all-weather boat ramps to accommodate this fleet.  

    Report Auckland Recreational Boating Study Prepared for Auckland Council By Beca Infrastructure Ltd (Beca) 12 April 2012 


  3. K4309 or body else wants to be charged a SNR fee as part of their insurance like home owners charged a fire n earthquake levy?? I would be happy enough to pay and those don't get charged.Just like CG do for non members.Not sure how money is recovered from non members though.

  4. 9 minutes ago, aardvarkash10 said:

    Uninformed response here, but in all likelihood the difference in response is the result of: the locations; access to crew and appropriate equipment; risk assessment; time of day.

    The cost of operating a rescue helicopter service is significant.  Crew alone (pilot, medic and winchman) would run around $3k a day if you assume 24 hour cover with provision for training and credentialing.

    This from a Stuff article in 2015

    "The trust operates rescue helicopters out of Christchurch and Greymouth, costing more than $10 million annually, with $4m of that covered by operational payments and $6m by sponsorship, grants and community donations.

    An average one hour trip costs the trust $11,500."

    The balance then is cost benefit.  Everyone wants goldplated service, no one is keen on paying for it.

    We COULD have rescue helicopters located so they can service the entire country to 50km offshore at a 30 minute response time, with overlap between them to provide for larger rescues.

    Feel free to calculate the cost.



    Try 3k per hour ,+

  5. 1 hour ago, K4309 said:

    which is why everyone with any skin in the game uses Predict Wind.

    Have used Windy/Predict and not 100% acurate but more than metserv 

    But as most know,the closer you get to land steeper the seas. He misjudged it.

  6. certainly not looking good for lance



    Goodhew’s primary source of weather information was the PredictWind app, for which he held a paid subscription.

    At 12.37 pm, just before departure, MetService issued a gale warning, predicting swells reaching up to two metres and the possibility of thunderstorms from Kaipara.

    From Cape Brett, they reported 40-knot northeast winds, rough seas and poor visibility.

    Despite the MetService forecast, Goodhew departed from the Three Kings with his clients around 1.30pm.

  7. Did the same in Man o war bay,there is a live cable running out too pakatoa and also a dissued cable further north in the bay,towards church bay,we picked up the dissued one and secured a rope round front of plough and it slide off,Boat next door got it the night before,Oh well at least we wouldnt of dragged

    • Haha 1
  8. On 30/07/2017 at 1:38 PM, harrytom said:

    jc.jpgjc.jpgA bit of fill and antifoul will sort it out.

    The WoodenBoat Forum - WoodenBoat Magazine925 × 694Search by image
    She is 45 ft, diagonal strip planked in Kauri with ring frames, designed/built in 1978 by Jack Cropp. She is the last of 1/2 a dozen yachts of the same ...


    Still for sale ,6yrs on was down to 44k now wants 100k


  9. 4 hours ago, K4309 said:

    Is it cause the skipper was commercial?

    Be the same inquest for recreational. Lost of lives.

    Certainly appearing that Lance strayed of course and in to shallows..Would be looking at sounder or looking at waves and getting best angle?

    Think defense lawyer is non maritime,saw the bit about the cray fisherman who said he had a early day,7 to 3 is a early day for those when on the crays.A lot work well in to the night clearing pots.

  10. On 13/03/2023 at 8:15 PM, Far North Boy said:

    So, you or want punishment to pre-empt a court case. This is a typical MNZ beat up. My company were responsible for the last maintenance on Enchanter and we weren’t even contacted in the enquiry. Keep your amateurish opinions to yourself. 

    Seeing how Far North Boy isnt around anymore,if a airline pilot crashed and killed his passengers he would be grounded,so why can a charter skipper who endangered life/lost life be able to continue operating/skippering?

  11. looked at a  farr early 90s at pine harbour,very cheap until we talked to the broker,full of pox and delaminating,only good for parts.White gel coat,its all in the build.  Humidity/heat etc was resin mixed right or layed up in a timely manner,all sorts of variables has an effect. As Pricilla posted carvel no issue if built well.Moana laid off Devonport for years painted black

  12. Rahui is self imposed restriction with no authorised standing. CAN is a different matter.Must be adhered too. I was fishing yesterday in a area that has a Rahui and Yes took my limit of mussels,Why because MPI/Fisheries have called for an extension via public submissions. The Waiheke island Rahui of taking scallops(non take as per MPI) rock lobster,cockles,mussels etc that legal Rahui/MPI restriction ended last October.2023. Only in place for 2yrs

    Funny part was.We were inspected by fisheries and counted our mussels as we were still inside the supposedly restricted area.No issue and they confirmed it has expired and submissions are being called for too extend.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Psyche said:

    even with a massive increase in funding to remove it 

    Wheres this funding coming from? Hospitals have been told too save 80 million. Every service is being cut in NZ including bio security staff.

    If antone thinks mpi/bio security are going to throw millions at this weed think again

    • Upvote 1
  14. 52 minutes ago, K4309 said:

    We've traced a boat - a superyacht - and it's come into Barrier on the west side, anchored, [then] it's gone round to the east side and it's anchored. And then it [went] right round past the north edge of the island to Mangawhai, so how can you stop them?

    "These are superyachts that come from overseas. We don't know what they're doing."

    Bit of vigilence by Barrier residents could row out and inform them about anchoring etc wouldnt go astray?

  15. On 16/04/2024 at 8:16 AM, ballystick said:

    I have checked the fine print in my insurance policy and I can't find any reference to the above standard or anything regarding Lithium batteries, there must be heaps of Lithium batteries installed already especially with the promotion of Drop-In units, we'll see what the future brings  

    Until you make a claim, the insurance companies are a law under themselves. Its there job not to pay out!

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