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Posts posted by harrytom

  1. 52 minutes ago, waikiore said:

    Look for another in two years.....Re the missing M class , not many have been racing of late but there was a lovely Silver Fern there and an X class.

    x10 jellicoes one is the Museum.    Yes saw x50     "M" class Logan memorial was last weekend? 

  2. When my first one sank the insurance company sent down a marine/insurance inspector.Who throughly examined all sea fitting.Sent the offending engine water intake valve to a metal fatigue inspection place and the result was .The fitting failed due to the composite make up of the valve, electrolysis, bonze hull fitting with a stainless steel tap and a copper tail. Basically disintegrated. So where insurance companies feel these concern they will throughly inspect. Mine was not obvious due to corroding from inside out. The yacht had a marine survey 6 months earlier on purchase.

    The yacht at Panmure will only be 1 of many over the months yrs,its a grave yard for some die  then be brought cheap by our friend rudolf to on sell to another unsuspecting customer

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, waikiore said:

    I second that, got soaked but it was great to see lots of old friends and a sailing dinghy display! Reminds us what we have missed in the commercial boat shows these days.

    No "M" class despite Logan being a designer

  4. Jeff?? was on the radio Thursday or Friday explaing why he grounds his vessel.Prtest against the waste,silt,sewer wste etc entering the AK harbour yet we need to comply wth concil by laws.


    Yes hes a nutter

    • Upvote 1
  5. prop speed and copper coat depends on water quality.Used Prop speed on a kiwi in tamiki river but had better results in normal antifoul. Yes I know the concept of Prop speed,few revolution and the muck should be thrown off but once its estsablished?

  6. 1 hour ago, 1paulg said:

    The Rahui definitely is not over - no taking scallops or any shellfish with the exemption of kina

    The MPI warning is because of toxins,there is no update on mpi to say if the rahui/ban is still in place.The only publication says closed 2yrs and that time is up.Be worth testing ??


    The only mention of Rahui relates to the weed invasion.

  7. Need to register with YNZ to race,so whats the issue with cost $120 one off cost till sold not a lot of coin in reality. But then again a vessel on mooring needs to let council/harbour master know who owns vessel,cant be identified go back to mooring owner hold them resposible,no issue from me.

    Rudolfshack springs to mind ,buying cheap junk and selling to unsuspecting buyers. Hmm didnt think it would cost that much to fix and walk away.But mooring in someones name and if no fee being  paid remove mooring and vessel and charge last known owner.simple or do some just put in the too hard basket?

  8. One would think being in a well known well patronized anchorage. A anchor light would be all that is required,day shapes for vessels over 20m from memory. But if one anchored say off a island or bay rather than it,ie anchored off Orewa then possibly a anchor watch or at least a glance every hour to make one hasnt dragged etc

    As with ships anchored in the anchorage area off Rangi not only must display Anchor light but shall light up decks as well.Not sure if the lighting of decks is a local by law or not.

  9. Oh look there's a bus ,where's my helmet?


    If YNZ/OSH/ACC ever brought wearing of helmets in on yachts,that will tyhe end of yacht racing in NZ.Now what happens if the volvo fleet stop in over in Auckland?Sorry no helmets keep going?

  10. Just watched part of the news and they had the Coastguard on about drownings and lifejackets.  The guy interviewed said LJ should be compulsory. Hmm living under a rock are CG? Both Auckland and Waikato quiet clearly state all vessels under 6m wearing of LJ is compulsory and skippers discretion.  

    So if CG dont know the requirements then I guess we are screwed

  11. I remember back in the early 70s.Dad was skippering the RNZYS patrol boat. Just after the start of "A" class they had rush to ranger as one crew member got struct by the boom and went face first in to a winch.Ambulance waiting at RAYC jetty.He was ok after hospital visit but point is.Helmet going to do nothing in that case.

  12. www.maritimenz.govt.nz/public/news/2023/november/prosecution-follows-april-collision-between-power-boat-and-ferry-near-russell/


    Prosecution follows April collision between power boat and ferry near Russell

    30 November 2023

    Following a collision between a twin-engine recreational power boat and the ferry, Waitere, in Russell earlier this year, Maritime NZ has charged the power boat’s skipper.

    The collision occurred at about midday on 13 April 2023, when Waitere (also known as the Blue Ferry ) was travelling from Russell to Paihia.

    Maritime NZ’s Deputy Chief Executive Regulatory Operations, Deb Despard, says Maritime NZ personnel undertook a thorough investigation in response to this incident.

    "Investigators carried out interviews, examined the scene, reviewed documents and gathered other relevant evidence connected to the incident," she says.

    The ferry’s skipper was severely injured, some of the passengers suffered lesser injuries and the ferry was badly damaged. It sunk a few hours after the collision. There was some damage to the power boat, but no one on board it at the time was injured.

    Ms Despard says one charge has been filed in the Auckland District Court against the skipper of the power boat. The charge has been filed under section 65 of the Maritime Transport Act 1994.

    As the matter is now before the Court, Maritime NZ cannot make further comment.

    Editors’ notes:

    • Section 65 of the Maritime Transport Act makes it an offence to operate a vessel in a manner causing unnecessary danger or risk to any other person or property.
    • Maximum penalties the Court can impose against an individual are a fine of up to $10,000 or a prison term of up to one year.
    • Maritime NZ will not be releasing documents while the matter is before the Court. Some documents might be available from the Court on application in accordance with the District Court (Access to Court Documents) Rules 2017. 
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