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harrytom last won the day on August 29

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About harrytom

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 22/01/1963

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    sailing hunting general all adventurous things

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  1. harrytom

    37th AC

    I just read this.Should they though?? maybe if you think you have a slow boat and imo Emirates is. The americans down and out and finished 14 secs behind,maybe the one to watch. https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/350395453/americas-cup-what-you-need-know-challenger-series-louis-vuitton-cup The Cup defenders contesting the challenger series is not unheard of. Oracle Team USA did so in 2017, albeit with one point counting towards the match race they lost against the Kiwis in Bermuda in 2017.
  2. Spencer the king ply boats NZ. but wait first thought of to been used in Around 3500 BC, archaeologists found the first traces of plywood in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh. About more than 1500 years ago, humans used thin layers of wood as a construction material. Later, the Greeks and Romans used this technique to produce furniture and other decorative objects. But first commercial production n 1797 Samuel Bentham Just a bit trivia for you😀
  3. So boats are training grounds for the big tune orcas chase.
  4. harrytom

    37th AC

    What I do understand or am I missing something. Ok Team Dalts participated in pre regatta races,fair enough. But why is he allowed to race in the actuall luiveton? previously challengers only and defender went and played with themselves. Is he worried he doesnt have the performance?
  5. How did we ever survive fitting our own regulator,running gas pipe,when was the last vessel to explode via gas? Oh well back to carrying cans of kero or meths. Do I need a sniffer in the engine bay incase theres a diesel leak? never mind the mountain of wires running off the batteries. All over top imo
  6. read it went stern first,does that means rear launching deck open?
  7. If you are thinking of those tyre pandas to seal leaks,do not use,they seal by friction when driving,they dont work in inflatables tried on a pelican once,new tube required so it got dumped.
  8. harrytom

    37th AC

    not real yachts,pretty sure I could win a race if I won the start,non tactical racing.
  9. Have done the 2 anchors.layed at about 30 degrees to each other.as one slackens the other takes the strain.but if the wind changes direction.then fun begins.Didit a few yrs ago top of bon accord.swansea bay.just mising the bottom at low tide in thick mud.not quite bolar but close. Took main off boom and dropped furler.Ran motor every 2 hrs just to keep it warm
  10. linz Farm off Ponui has markers but the bloody lights dont work,we ran very close to it a week ago early morning,lucky I have it on plotter.
  11. just been on to wetmaps and NOT up todate,missing the mussel farms off kaiaua and ponui.
  12. When this first came up through the "Seachange working group" 2019 think it was. A small handful attend a discussion night as we were very concerned about bring locked out of the gulf. seachange.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/5086-SCTTTP-Marine-Spatial-Plan-WR.pdf If anyone wants to take the time and read exactly what has been signed off there it is. Basically .If Maori can prove a coastal was/is/had supplied the IWI with Kaimoana then they will have for goverance over the area. Which means they can decide on take or no take what species/shellfish can or cannot be taken.Set limits/s
  13. Shane Jones has said NO to customary rights in HPAs, Have a watch of "Ocean Bounty" tv3 on https://www.threenow.co.nz/shows/ocean-bounty/season-6-ep-2/S1247-430/M87454-534 You may to log in? But Shane said NO to Maori or anyone else. Can get it play on TV but onlap top no?
  14. Had a kiwi prop on a ss shaft and used proper zinc block never had a issue with prop,well I did,barnicles killed it in reverse,but if the occasion rose again I would have a kiwi prop.
  15. why not retro fit a dripless? http://www.chatfieldmarine.com/shop/Driveline/Shaft+Seals/Blue+Water+Shaft+Seal+-+Standard+Model.html
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