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Everything posted by harrytom

  1. Have found his website,can I take a photo and send it to get a rough estimate??Handy East Tamaki and has a yard to drop trailer boat off.
  2. What about the person who walked the on ramp at Mt Roskill,3 cars run them over and none stopped https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/541177/man-killed-on-auckland-s-southwestern-motorway-struck-by-three-cars-police
  3. harrytom


    How did they ever win the AC. Total embarrassment.
  4. But should it revert back to that date?? At the moment news day and day after,2.5 weeks later Anniversary day then 10 days later NZ day.
  5. 1840 The first Auckland Regatta was held on the day the city was founded, 18 September 1840, the day that Captain Hobson's officials raised the flag and 11 years before the first America's Cup contest was sailed in 1851. That first regatta on the Waitemata Harbour was an impromptu three-race event that took place after representatives of Lieutenant Governor William Hobson rowed ashore from the barque Anna Watson and took formal possession of the site in the name of Queen Victoria. A report in The New Zealand Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette of 24 Sept
  6. We towed to boat to Coro town last week and caught a sh#t load of Snapper late afternnoon, got talking to a harvester who said where to go and he came past and shook the lines were we tied to. Did it 3 days for us and cost 1doz well worth talking to those guys working the farms,not all farms hold decent fish. Only boat from Coro town.Brilliant.
  7. I have 4 of these virtually new with crotch straps,not as bulky as you think but instant floatation,no wondering if it will work or not.
  8. harrytom


    Capitalized on others mistakes
  9. Maritime NZ srtSnopodeh222gihh52830g23a03hgh41h37g7ufh7mf0hft1t8m46l85l1 · Product Safety Alert: Life Jacket Inflator Recall If you own a Hutchwilco manual inflatable life jacket or another brand with Halkey-Roberts 3F manual inflators, this is for you! A product safety recall has been issued for Halkey-Roberts 3F single-point manual inflators. These inflators are found in several life jacket
  10. harrytom


    What a shocker of all starts,only had 1 good start and that was race 4 saturday. A
  11. harrytom


    Mate has a mooring near the bridge,bayswater side,Hmm could go and stay the weekend on it for free,providing we got there by 7.00am? Quickly find new friends who live in Devon park with harbour views?
  12. harrytom


    Nor should the Harbour be closed at anytime of the gp. There should be a corridor that harbour uses can use,what about coming back from xmas cruise etcWouldnt be hard to have 100m corridor out from the wharves or shore side 100m lout from a line oss stanley pt to northern bridge pylon for those up under bridge.
  13. Saving lives over rule saving vessel I presume?
  14. How are the board of directors voted in? If so many disgruntled with YNZ why not hold a vote of no confidence placed through clubs? But then again how many members would stick their hand up to fill positions? Have this in a non boating club,plenty moaning but when time comes to stick hand up many just sit on them.
  15. How is YNZ committee selected? Voted in by clubs or individuals? All I know their role is to govern racing but who actually swlwcted the committe can it be changed annually or is it lifetime role? Old boys club at work.
  16. Depending on access use a absorbent pad
  17. Died off or just stopped looking for it? https://www.yachtingnz.org.nz/news/exotic-caulerpa-restrictions-place-parts-waiheke-island-new-location-found-near-kawau
  18. Have seen more novice crews standing in coiled jib/kite sheets.Had one young ,not enough turns on winch.Puts hand in to hold.Yep figers turn around winch. simple mistakes but could be costly
  19. I can get run over crossing the rd if Im not carefull,where do you stop? Accidents happen in all walks of life. work/sport
  20. as a young guy 45 yrs ago,sailed with a bunch of oldies and running in 20+ knts it was my job to strap the boom to leeward,never had a issue.
  21. Was working now "DEAD"
  22. From engine mounts to barnys on prop.number of things. How does engine sound idling fast?get full revs?
  23. Elderly friend recently paid the AK harbour master $500 to have vessel removed and cut in to scrap,steel roberts 45ft roughly.$500 token gesture to true cost to cut up. Then you Jason trying to selling this for gold,was $500 now $1500 https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/5049770568
  24. When we had a totasl loss,the vessel that broke its mooring and dragged on to mine.In the process,share weight,my mooring let go. Asked if they could retrieve money from other even though uninsured. Act of god came in to play.
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