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Posts posted by harrytom

  1. Theres a video on youtube or somewhere,that shows a big yacht aground after a storm,bully digs a channel,they dig away keel/rudder,crane puts slings around tug offshore,tide comes in and off it goes,might of been Philippians,saw it a yr or 2 back,bloody interesting,been trying to find but cant.

  2. I personally do not see a problem with a dolphin as it will not have much impact on tide flows,unlike wharf extensions,sure the passengers may not spend a lot of coin while here but the spin off is in provisioning.


    Look at the money spent at Auckland airport,same scenario,prepaid trips ,supporting fellow countryman only stay at certain hotels only use certain bus companies. Talking the asian market here,only spend in certain shops etc


    The real tourist market should be aimed at kiwis,would love to do a 10 /15 trip around the south island,but for less $$ can go to gold coast be warm eat cheaply ,rental cars cheaper,more courteous shop owners who make you feel welcome etc 

  3. I had an overheating problem on the yanmar,replaced water impeller as old one had missing blades,fitted new one fine for about 30 minutes then overheating,took off pump inspected impeller and found the bush was turning inside impeller,faulty gluing??

    • Upvote 2
  4. Apparently I don't have leak, but the rust murk telling me it wasn't always like that. I did not planed to do too much with the engine, apart from oil change and anodes, but I have to deal with this for a couple of reason, #1, I don't need any water leak, #2 if I going to get folding prop, I need every single HP out from the engine, so worth it to clean the soot at least. I already started to make up my version for this out of stainless steel, I'll post some pictures about the progress. Not as difficult (obviously the welded version not the cast). When I checked the suggested sources I decided to give it a try.

    Replace it.Ours was rusty looking and thought she ll be right,11.30pm middle of tiri passage she let go,amazing how much water can be pumped in  in a short time.soot through yacht,.20hr drift back to panmure

  5. slightly different to battery being freighted,but what do you think of a courier company who picked up a rifle with bolt,no ammo,delivered to home with must sign,left at back door and driver signed it?? When tackled the courier company the excuse was there was a car in drive so thought must home!!

  6. made one using galvanized water pipe,put a nipple in on angle,about 150mm down from bend,never had a water back flow problem,4yrs on still there. previous elbow was steel as well lasted 15yrs.

    • Upvote 1
  7. How many commercial yards or private club yards allow dry sanding antifoul without building a tent and using a vacuum sander??

    Our club allows wet sanding but must be hauled in to right area for catchment purposes,cannot even spray without a tent,

    A few of us had thought about reseeding local reef with mussels from boats hauled out and no must be dumped,viewed from the point it will in time help clean the river as a mussel filters 300lts a day

  8. Saw this on Trademe and according to Q & A no special ticket to operate as it is a private vessel??surely that cannot be right?



  9. Never had an electrolysis problem with kiwi prop,zinc on shaft,ali hub properly etched primed with ali antifoul,had to do 3 times in 12 months but no sign of corrosion,never bothered antifouling blades as found anti foul never really stuck,coated 3 times  year in lonlolin and prop speed not a fan as to many factors enter the equation as applicator stated not a guarantee it will depending on who has what moored near you.

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