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ex Elly

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Posts posted by ex Elly

  1. 18 hours ago, CarpeDiem said:

    Fineline Dyneema Advantage 10mm has a breaking strain of over 5000kg.  That's a fully laden Toyota Landcruiser and Toyota Corolla hanging from the top of your mast.

    But only half of that when you tie a bowline in the end. So will only support the Corolla without a good splice! :-)

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, motorb said:

    But given the Dyneema is stronger to begin with, then end strength is about the same isn't it?

    My halyards are sized for comfort in the hand well above load, so is there much advantage to using Dyneema over polyester? Doesn't it have less stretch to it?

    Yes, if replacing polyester with same diameter dyneema, you will have more than enough strength.

  3. Be aware that dyneema rope doesn't like being knotted, and will lose a lot more strength than a polyester rope.

    For example a bowline in polyester could reduce the rope strength by 30%, but in dyneema may reduce strength by 50%.

    When strength is important a splice is much better, as it will only reduce strength by 20%.

    This is why you should always splice your dyneema halyards.


  4. 1 hour ago, Terry B said:

    And even if he/she/they are doing a poor job - we still don't want to lose the hardstand do we?

    Correct, even if some people don't like the current manager, we don't want to lose the hardstand.

    It is a valuable resource for boat owners, and will be hard to reinstate once its gone.


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  5. Bayswater Marina terrace, apartment housing sliced by a third to new $300m+ scheme

    The number of terrace and apartment residences proposed for land beside a North Shore marina has been cut by around a third from 119 to 78 homes after hearings at Takapuna closed yesterday.

    A $300 million-plus scheme is still planned there but less intensive than originally proposed.

    Simon and Paula Herberts’ Bayswater Marina Holdings revised plans for the scheme beside the marina not far from the Auckland Harbour Bridge and within a few minute’s journey from Auckland CBD via ferry.

    Hearing commissioners now have 30 working days to make their decision and rule whether the revised scheme will be allowed but they can extend that timeframe.

    Plans last year were for a 250-home scheme. The original plans changed after Auckland Council officers withdrew their support for the scheme in September.

    In 2018, the Herald reported the Auckland Marina Users Association opposed plans to change marina areas with housing developments but Herbert said the Unitary Plan encouraged regeneration of barren marina carparks with new waterfront developments.

    The association opposed the sale of land around waterfronts by public bodies but Herbert said use could be improved by development.

    As for the new 78-residence scheme, whether critics will accept even that scaled-back new plan if it wins approval from the commissioners is yet to be decided.



  6. On 15/10/2022 at 12:48 PM, harrytom said:

    Oh I sold it Fred,why say yes I own it when you are likely to face a bill for removal when the good ole rate payers will pay.

    If selling an older boat, maybe a good idea to get a signed purchase agreement from the new owner.


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  7. Sounds like they don't even salvage the hardware. 😪

    “We end up with the crap. These boats individually have items that have value whether small bronze winches, bronze portholes and aluminium scrap in the boom, mast and rigging wire. The keel might be lead.

    “The issue we face is the time it takes to strip the boat while meeting all the health and safety requirements. It’s far cheaper and safer to have a machine break it into pieces and take it into the tip.”

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