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ex Elly

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ex Elly last won the day on January 11

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246 Excellent

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  1. Unfortunately Lloyd from AB Windows has retired now. Good to hear there is someone else skilled in this area.
  2. ex Elly


    But then a remarkable turnaround on day 2. Won the start, won the race. It can be done!
  3. Actually, the 49ers had 2 podium capable teams, but one got injured.
  4. Loveworkx is a youtuber who has sailed around the world to NZ. I watched another video of hers where she went to a party at Lin Pardey's in Kawau. She has described the Christams Day incident at Oneroa here, to save you watching the long video. https://sailing.loveworkx.com/drama-waiheke-island/
  5. I have chosen the refund, so will pay $40 extra for a brand new one. Just have to remember to remove the strobe light before returning.
  6. Those 2 were neck and neck leading the fleet when they took the gamble down the coast of Africa early in the race. However Colman then fell back to 30th, and then slowly made his way back through the fleet to finish 21st. Good recovery!
  7. I have one of these. How would you like us to remedy your affected lifejacket? * Please replace the mechanism in my lifejacket and get it back to me as good as new Please provide me with a refund from the mechanism manufacturer of $120 There are 2 options, which one should I go for?
  8. More than 21,000 life jackets recalled over inflation fault Maritime New Zealand said the Hutchwilco Classic and Super Comfort 170N Manual Inflatable Lifejackets with a manufacture date of June 2021 through to May 2022 have been affected by a faulty Halkey-Roberts mechanism. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/540857/more-than-21-000-life-jackets-recalled-over-inflation-fault
  9. Troubled waters for Yachting NZ Yachting New Zealand is the country's first body to be dragged before the new Sport Integrity Commission, in what is uncharted territory But beneath the podium it's not all smooth sailing. Editor of Sail World, Richard Gladwell, said it was nowhere near as bad as it looks, and "Yachting New Zealand is always the whipping boy". "It doesn't really matter what they do, they're always the one at fault," he said. That's a perception forged out of his history as not only an Olympic triallist, but his work from 2004 to 2012 on the board of Yach
  10. Today is the first Saturday with no wind for more than a month. We have dozens of utes with trailers parked around the streets here.
  11. ex Elly


    Haha, yes! And we very rarely see boats getting shut out above the line, so not sure why they wouldn't try starting near the windward end?
  12. ex Elly


    Is there a wooden spoon for worst starter? 😅 Approaching close hauled at the pin gives you no room to bear off and build speed before the gun. It's never going to work, no matter how many times he tries it! 🤔
  13. ex Elly


    Notice to Mariners: 01 – 25 Sail Grand Prix, Waitematā Harbour - Friday 17th January to Sunday 19th January 2025 Restrictions to Navigation within Waitemata Harbour. For details on how to watch SailGP please go to www.sailgp.com. Questions about the on-water aspects of the event should be sent to the event organisers at auckland@sailgp.com. SailGP has been declared a Major Maritime Event by the Associate Minister of Transport as per Section 200B of the Maritime Transport Act 1994. In order for the SailGP event to be able to be conducted safely, an exclusion zone wil
  14. Which is more exciting - skimming across water at 15 knots, or flying above the water at 30knots?
  15. ex Elly


    If they cancel before the first race you get your money back.
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