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Posts posted by Romany

  1. Super cool... I'd be interested to know what these puppies sell for.  Just bein' nosey tho - this is not on my approved purchases list that the better half has given me.

  2. and there is the Achilles heel. Relying on people to 'do the right thing' has been proven time and time again to fail. Call me a pessimist but in matters of public health - especially under the current circumstances this will lead to tears, or worse.

    What  was the point of going into lock down, creating the economic mayhem that we still haven't seen the full measure of yet - to be apologetic about policies designed for protecting the greater good? Dumb n dumber if u ask me..


    • Upvote 2
  3. 44 minutes ago, Island Time said:

    Agreed! I often wonder how reflective of society as a whole this site actually is. I realize that its more of the affluent end, due to the nature of boat owners, but still....

    so now i'm a rich prick. 🤐 I have run out of posts

  4. don't rush off - the fewer balanced individuals there are, the more on the piss the whole thing becomes. 

    Crikey I better wotch what I'm doing - 3 posts already. And there I go breaking the rules about bad language and spelling. Sorry teacher.

    • Upvote 1

    6 hours ago, Black Panther said:

    I also have developed a low opinion of the NZ marine industry.  ( The legal profession seems to have gone downhill also🙂)

    Lights blue touch paper - standing clear 

  6. Aside from just the fact of being in NZ which is a big deal, I can't see you missing much else. Pretty sure it will be available on pay TV.

    With all the airfare spend that you'll save u can hopefully afford the full ppv package.

  7. On 9/05/2020 at 8:01 AM, Fish said:

    I had a good conversation with the Leopard Seal guy...

    Fish in your conversation the leopard seal guy did u establish if there is a way that a non marina based water user can establish where the seal is?

    I think that would be a good thing.

    Do u have any contact details for the guy?

  8. She probably does not eat the dinghy - rather, just rips it apart? 

    Without wanting to re-start that discussion re getting rid of the bloody thing, I personally would feel more at ease if I could know where this animal is at any time.

    Does anybody know if DOC has investigated popping a tracker, rather than a cap, in its ass?



  9. I dont post much because I mostly like to think about what I'm about to say and being of Libran star sign that takes time. Clearly software is set up for a more "shoot from the lip" kind of audience - as many posts demonstrate.


  10. Thanks i thought as much. I have relocated pond pump & filter set up today. Probably shoulda done that to begin with.

    The 168 fish probably started out as 5 a few years b4 we bought the property but it is a big pond - about 2.5 x 6.0. Its a roundabout thingy in our drive and gotta liddle bridge an all that carry on. 

    Anybody know anything about pond liners? Helpful i mean..

    I'm a bit dark on it because the bloody thing didnt leak until we had it cleaned. Pond cleaner chick now unresponsive.

  11. I have a fish pond. Dont ask why but i have.

    Furthermore it developed a leak and so i had to rehouse 168 goldfish.

    Part of the rehousing requirement was to oxygenate the water in the bath tub that i repossessed from the 3 sheep (again, don't ask why i have 3. Or any, for that matter).

    So 15869123355633543312298567833931.jpg- i bought a little 240vairpump from the fish shop (picture of its guts is attached). It bloody fell into the water and no longer works.

    Is it retrievable or junk?

  12. I often get part way thru a post and become distracted, and when i have spare time go looking so i can complete it.

    Have never been able to find them.

    Is there an auto save function and if so where do the 'draft'  posts go.


  13. don't get your y fronts in a twist lateral . I was off topic I know but i thought it was funny.


    Likening my poorly timed sense of humour to promoting misogynistic attitudes is slightly OTT in my view, but that's only my opinion. 


    Chill out dude.

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