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Posts posted by Romany

  1. There was a thread about this a while back and I'm sure there is a company in Dairy Flat? who is happy to repair and good at it.

    Anybody know who that company is or how I can find the thread?

    I searched on inflatable repairs but didn't give me the result I was hoping for.

  2. I recall boat master tutor Ted Chappell years ago telling us he'd been conned into a coastguard training video for MOB. By the time they did it the second time (light....action... camera, take 2 don't ya know) he was hypothermic. Reckons he was in the piss off Brown's Is for about 50 minutes all up.

    He maintains he only survived because he insisted on a wetsuit..

  3. From videos on race home page it seems that the lead boat (Morning Star?) started on its own.

    I was expecting a more traditional start -all boats at once.

    Or have I viewed the wrong video

  4. From videos on race home page it seems that the lead boat (Morning Star?) started on its own.

    I was expecting a more traditional start -all boats at once.

    Or have I viewed the wrong video

  5. out of respect for the sailor and his family Matt, I'd like to see this thread cease. There is no room for speculative comments, no questions to be answered, and while there is plenty to discuss this isn't the place or the time.


    Its just bloody sad.



    RIP John Fisher 

  6. Do mountaineers need a license?

    Do people that go for a bushwalk need a license?

    Do people that go to beach for a swim need a license?

    All these three activities have had fatal consequences for punters multiple times.

    Why are boaters / sailors seemingly singled out that we should be licensed?


    because we are perceived as 'rich'.

    • Upvote 1


    Can't imagine Italy being any more organised than us though.  Or maybe if you've got enough money over there you just bulldoze your way through and get what you want.

    U r quite probably right but Auckland can't afford this shambles and so I reckon give it to the lowest bidder.

    It's a hospital pass..

  8. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/poisoned-chalice


    Be careful is all I'd say to the TYPBC and remember what can happen to a host when parasites come to visit. Other than that give it hell, if Auckland isn't getting on with it then it must go somewhere else and better Tauranga than Italy.


    Looking around Auckland these days you'd have to say development is really causing a bit of chaos, I do wonder if the super shitty could cope with another set of road works in the middle of it.

  9. when my (tempered glass)windows were done I'm pretty sure this was the schizel stuff. One word of warning though.. make sure you have really good

    covers arranged because taking the windows out is an open invitation to every rain laden low pressure zone in the hemisphere to rush on in to Auckland (or wherever you may be). Took mine out and it bolted down for 3 weeks.

  10. I got told once that wringing one of the bastards necks and then hanging it in the rigging would work but I chickened out, so I threw shooting potatoes at em cos I could not find a recipe that made those palatable.

    After a 40kg sack of spuds it worked which just goes to show even bung spuds are useful and that  those bloody stupid squawking grey and white sods (u know - the ones that miraculously appear out of no where when u take hot chips to the beach) can learn.

  11. Zozza - my only recommendation would be to get two opinions about what you are doing. Without offence to anybody - everybody can be wrong.


    I had an issue in my system and one opinion was to replace the loom. I wasn't convinced, had it tested and there was no problem with it, turned out

    the alternator was the issue. Had I gone with first opinion I would have paid for advice (cant recall what that cost), acted on it - which woulda

    cost $500, and still been left with the bung alternator.


    FWIW I found success with an auto electrician in Silverdale - great guy. To look at his operation you'd probably think twice because the shed is a

    sh*t fight, but he nailed it (i.e. correctly diagnosed the problem) in one visit.


    I now take all my cars to him for servicing, if anything goes silly with electrickery stuff on the boat I'll get him to look at it 1st.

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