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Kevin McCready

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Posts posted by Kevin McCready

  1. Good on you for posting this. More info on the "repairer" would be good.


    There's a guy I've been tracking on trademe who has multiple accounts and starts new ones when he gets found out as a crook. I've reported him to trademe but they don't care. His modus operandi is to buy old boats for peanuts, tizz them up a bit then sell them. They are still junk. He goes under different names including Jason and Rudolf.

  2. Try Dave Giddens old business

    846 9859 
    Modus Digerati Ltd T/A Dave Giddens Sailmakers
    30 Rossmay Terrace, Sandringham (opposite Eden Park). Nov2015 now run by Mike Alsweiler 021464949

  3. Aleana. I tend to agree, having read the article now, and big thanks to LadyHawk for that - it was very moving.


    Short strops on tethers may have stopped being washed overboard. Spray hoods on life jackets and individual PLDs may have helped. There are also boats being built now that will float even when full of water.


    I was rescued from drowning as a boy. I had given up the struggle and was floating peacefully underwater watching the play of light on the surface while I enjoyed CO2 poisoning. I have rescued 2 people myself from being drowned in the surf on unpatrolled beaches. Best advice is don't panic, don't swim against currents, relax and conserve as much energy as possible. I know it sounds silly and hypothermia will quickly sap strength but I've seen these techniques work. To be clear, I'm not saying they would have worked here.


    Did the Orion life raft have a rope ladder? The coroner's report will be worth reading.

  4. I also refuse to pay a cent to the Herald until they produce consistently good journalism. They've got a few good writers but it's mostly rubbish.

    Did Stuart have a sailing knife on him, and one that could be opened with one hand? Every sailor should carry one at all times from the first day they step into a dinghy as a child. It should be automatic that you have it.


    We should all have the small PLBs on our life jackets.

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