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Atom Ant

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About Atom Ant

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Location
    Gulf Harbour in the Tropics
  • Interests
    Hello??? Sailing!!!

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  1. Well done Richard. That is so good and is what was always needed right back from Dodge Taxi days. Stellar job mate, you must be pleased, and I'm sure you will see an improvement in race results due to improved ergonomics.
  2. Bloody good job Richard, Much more usable cockpit now.
  3. Good stuff Richard. A really good mod to do.
  4. Couldn't agree more Booboo. Scary thought that the train wreck is about to happen, cos I thought it already had. It's gonna get worse? But the real killer was maintenance costs as the powers that be make it harder and more expensive to maintain your boat. I'm really talking about boats that live full time in the water here.
  5. Yes David is a first class host I can testify to that. I have been on BP twice, but motoring one time and tied up to the dock on New Year's Eve doesn't really count as boating does it? I slept badly last nite as over and over in my mind I was flying a hull and blasting along at 16 odd knots like we were on rails. What a great way to lose sleep!
  6. A milestone weekend for me. It's been over a year since I set foot on a yacht. It's been nearly 2 1/2 years since I last sailed on a multihull. This has been due to injuring both my forearms. They will never fully recover. I've been asked plenty of times by good friends who have said that I could simply come along for the ride and do nothing. I haven't wanted to go sailing, not at all. A couple of days ago a friend rang me up and asked me if I wanted to sail with him on his C Class cat in the local Weiti/Gulf Harbour winter race. In that instant I knew it was time to get out on the
  7. I had a southern pacific roll up for around 15 years. I used to roll it up and store it away over winter for the first 5 but after that it lived outside. I did make my own ply floor for it which made it a lot easier to get in and out of. Rowed fine for short distances, and motored well with my 2 hp DT2. Excellent boats and they last well.
  8. +1 Couldn't put it better myself. That and twatter. But I wish you all the best with your endeavours.
  9. Awesome. Love the old Seagulls. Spent hours bombing around in an old ply dinghy with a 2 1/2 HP gull when I was a young 'un.
  10. Made new thermal backings for and then hung new curtains. It ain't sailing...
  11. Did lots of little jobs on my boat. Bloody great on a nice day in the marina. Young lad helped me. Hang on, not my boat Does that mean I have to undo all the stuff I did?
  12. Clearly unstayed. Does that fit into the class rules?
  13. Atom Ant


    I think you havent changed the time setting on your forum preferences? Mine said 7.04 a.m. Entirely acceptable
  14. Lifted the boat out and did the antifouling, zincs and silicone paint job on the prop and shaft. (competing DIY product to propspeed) A big thank you to my Dad and a fine upstanding forumite who gave me a hand.
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