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Island Bay


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as I was sitting in the marina with a wee rum, the wind didn't seem that strong, gusts of 30kts shouldn't have had that carnage


the forecast was for 35 gusting 45 and I got the impression that the wind hadn't got near that (not over 30?) when the race was on but might have later. Any one who was out there had time to look at the windspeed?


We had constantly over 25, up to 28 and gusting 34 to 36 at times, so not as bad as forecast but the swell through to the heads was pretty steep... Heard reports that Needax saw 50kts wind speed just outside the heads... Not sure about that tho...


I can confirm 50 knots just south of the airport and regular patches of over 40.. It got to the point that 30 seemed dull.

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